Why is it in every FPS game.....

LoL thats three posts in the same thread all saying the same thing.

I've always liked sniping but I couldn't explain why. I loved Enemy at the Gates and the bits in Saving private Ryan with the sniper...

I think Far Cry does it reasonably well.... it's not a simulation, but to gain accurate you have to crouch/prone and then hold your breath. A good balance between arcade and sim.

PErsonally I don't snipe much myself, I'm much better in fast-paced close combat due to my QW roots. In single player I also tend to save sniper ammo for when I really need it, usually meaning I complete the game hardly using it at all - just a massive stockpile of ammo :)
Day of defeat:s sniper's have scope sway when standing and a big movment penalty. Which makes them fun to play, and there is no better feeling than smacking a rocket into their piehole!
Rockets in dod:s have bulit drop making them tricky to use, but I love them!

I guess people think they wont die as often if they are a sniper.
But you dont gain much from sitting still all the time, charge in and die offten is the way to go.
chopchop said:
and another thing i found is that the people (like you) that complain about guns only do so because theyve not spent any time practicing how to use them and so mark them as a lame gun forever.

No where in my post did I state that I thought the weapon was lame :confused:
I conceded that I was not adept at it too which is open and honest ;)
I also stated that I thought there was a place in the game for the awp and that it takes a lot of time to be skillfull with it.

I only stated that as an awp is meant to be a long ranged weapon it should only be allowed to be used in such a way. This is entirely my opinion which I'm entitled to express on a forum such as this.
Lee2k4 said:
Everyone wants to be a Sniper? I mean whats so special about a sniper rifle, wow it has a scope so I can see my enemy from far away, it don't make any sense to me.

Snipers are generally high-powered weapons for one-shot-kill in FPS games and it takes more skill to hide and stay hidden from the enemy after firing on them. It also happens to rage a lot of people, which can make it fun for the sniper.

That's where I think the real skill is with snipers, managing to hide from the enemy while getting the kills. In general I don't like the snipers found in CS/CSS as I find it too easy for those with them, especially on the smaller maps with lots of "choke points".

My favourite sniper was when playing Joint Operations from NovaLogic, it just felt a lot more realistic than most games.
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All of the Delta Force games (Black Hawk Down doesn't count) had wind and bullet drop. Damn fine games. First one even has stealth enemys pretending to be grass in the distance.

To all of those saying that snipers are just campers with little skill I'd have to agree with you but that totally depends on the person playing.

I've done almost nothing but snipe on BF2 but like to get stuck into the action, there's nothing more fun than dropping a noob tuber with your sniper rifle at close range :).
In my opinion snipers only exist in order to give other players that feeling of exquisite pleasure when you manage to flank one undetected, approach silently, pause behind them for a few seconds letting the dead players who are speccing you have a good laugh, then bash them with a grendade. They serve no other purpose as far as I'm concerned.
BF2 sniping = pointless, spec ops does the same job but better if you want it to, especially the unlock.
CS + variants sniping = not hard to do at a basic level but up high where the players can also 1shot you back with an automatic it becomes a matter of skill and reactions
Op Flash + variants = skilled sniping, those that are actually good at it dont die. the ones who arent stay in the same place then get killed by their own stupidity :)

overall, sniping is only good if youre actually exceptional at it. If you have a good aim most other rifles in a game will do a similar job though.
no skill in snipering? snipering is easy? snipering isn't fun?

i've noticed a clear correlation (in CS 1.6) between people who moan about the AWP and the people who can't use it.

it does take skill to snipe, its just that you do get a lot of scared (i use that term lightly) players who just buy one and sit in one place with it, or desperately scramble back to safety to avoid losing the weapon (since it is expensive etc).

its very easy to recognise someobody thats decent with the rifle though, and when i use it i do rush most times, and even then its more risky since you only have a handgun to fall back on
I dont play BF2 that often at the minute, but the only time i use the sniper class is if i decide to counter snipe.
For instance if someone is sniping at a base my team is defending, then if i cant get at him with an assault rifle, ill respawn as a sniper.
Léon said:
The rifle is the first weapon you learn how to use, because it lets you keep your distance from the client. The closer you get to being a pro, the closer you can get to the client. The knife, for example, is the last thing you learn.

Lee2k4 said:
I played AA for 3 years until BF2 came along, Snipers in AA were good mainly because you could only have one or two on each side (it was also only on certain maps) but since they added pistols there was a lot of people just running around like idiots shooting with Pistols instead of using the Sniper rifle. I would love to see a game that simulated the role of a Sniper accurately.

Possibly Sniper Elite. It's not perfectly accurate obviously, but it does a damn good job.
Best sniper game ever, pulling off a head shot from wayyyyy off weighing up height and wind and breathing puts a nice satisfying smile on ya face when you watch the bullet fly through the air (freak on a leash Korn style).
Stellios said:
CSS + AWP = ownage

In a way, im glad it takes 2 shots for a kill on BF2 as it stops all this CQB sniper whoring, but it also takes away the fun of sniping.

im very glad it takes two shots(in most places) on bf2, I would hate to see it like CSS, I dont mind it on CSS because there are servers that limit sniper rifles or just remove them completely.

When in BF2 its very hard to take out an enemy from afar with one shot, so if you can make that shot, then you deserve the point :)
As a person who enjoys playing sniper on BF2 I can say that to be very good at it takes some practice. My favourite use of the sniper rifle is to hunt other snipers in BF2. I remeber one game where I spent the entire round killing one guy as he got me quickly in succesion at the start of the round. And it takes a lot of effort to find the sniper and then find a position that he cant see you from to take him out.

But I do feel that the weapons are too simple to learn to use. OFP for example had a relatively high learning curve to be good with the sniper rifle. As you had allow for the bullet falling and how fast the target was moving etc. You even had to set up the scope (though this was basic) to get the correct shot.

Snipers have their position in the FPS as a different tactical element that can be utilised in combination with other units to win the game.
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