My main gripe with the awp in cs:s (apart from not being able to use one effectively) is that it can be used at short range and whilst moving. Sure the awp should be part of the game and used for long range fragging as that's what it is designed to do.
What really upsets me is the fact that someone with a scoped weapon can do a double back flip from five yards away and still manage to awp someone. The awp shouldn't be able to focus on targets whilst moving and at short distance imo and should essentially be rendered useless with the player having to resort to a back up weapon when the necessity arises.
No way should the awp be effective in cqb situations.
I take my hat off to those who have become skillfull with this weapon and can understand with all the hours they've invested getting good that they'd like to use the weapon. I just do not feel that the awp is balanced whilst it can be used at range and cqb stylee