However, suppose someone was to run over and kill a rabbit. Why is it then unacceptable to pick up the rabbit, take it home and eat it? It's my understanding you can buy rabbit meat openly.
I seen a dead cat on the way to work this morning by the road
To some thats not a dead cat... it's dinner!
Anyone want some puppy dog to eat?
I would have, but I had no idea how long it had been there, isnt there some rule? (like they have that 5 second rule when you drop food on a dirty floor)
If its been there a few hours, its probably not safe to eat.
I think I heard that the eyes are a good indicator of time since death - if they're covered in flies or rotting away then it's too old, but if the eyes look in reasonably good condition then it is probably fresh enough to eat (after cooking thoroughly obviously).
I suppose large stuff like badgers could be a real pain to prepare - it's take ages skinning and gutting them if you weren't used to it, and it might be too big to fit in the freezer if you can't eat it all, so you'd have to hack it into little bits and get all the bones out and stuff. Preparing an animal from recently live state takes a while. (on my 'expedition' to Bolivia 2 guys bought a chicken and killed it, it must have taken about 2 hours just to get it ready for cooking, but then again we only had penknives, and guesswork to help us).
I think I heard that the eyes are a good indicator of time since death - if they're covered in flies or rotting away then it's too old, but if the eyes look in reasonably good condition then it is probably fresh enough to eat (after cooking thoroughly obviously).
I suppose large stuff like badgers could be a real pain to prepare - it's take ages skinning and gutting them if you weren't used to it, and it might be too big to fit in the freezer if you can't eat it all, so you'd have to hack it into little bits and get all the bones out and stuff. Preparing an animal from recently live state takes a while. (on my 'expedition' to Bolivia 2 guys bought a chicken and killed it, it must have taken about 2 hours just to get it ready for cooking, but then again we only had penknives, and guesswork to help us).
Round this way its deers, moose and bears. Although im sure the car would be a right off after hitting any of those.