why is north "up" ?

Hmm strange, in that animation England has always been a separate little island but I'm sure I remember reading somewhere that people used to be able to walk from England to France (a long time ago).

During the ice age as all the water was stored as snow/ice around the poles this meant the water level was a lot lower than it is today, so there was a land bridge between continental Europe and the UK. After the Ice Age there was a large amount of sediment that was deposited between the English channel which allowed this possibility as well, however as this was mainly clay and other fine sediments this eroded quickly. You see some of this ice age sediment along the east coast which is why East Anglia has a problem with coastal erosion.


Read the section on the lower palaeolithic.
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We have poles due to the earths magnetic field. North and South are just labels for the area where the magnetic forces meet.


we have poles because of labour's horrible immigration system, innit.

is this "magnetic forces" some new political speak for illegal immigrants? what are you on about?
It's a good question actually.

Some googling and the the trend that North is 'up' was started by a clever Egyptian dude named Ptolemy who was born around 90 A.D., so there you have it.
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Why are we taught that the flow of electricity goes from + to - when in reality its the other way around?

It would make more sense to call an electron positive and fix everything, but it's not a particularly easy thing to implement. Anyway, for most purposes, you can assume that the flow is from positive to negative.
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