Why is this house blurred out on Google Maps?

Yes, or close to it. The current owners probably got annoyed at all the attention and so had it blurred.

Same with this house: https://www.google.com/maps/@42.109...4!1sLSt2ulLS9XGUF4J7q7wKbA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656

That's the Home Alone house.

It's the exact same location. This is taken from the church tower.


Why on earth would anyone live in the house built on the same site? And then have it blurred out? Incredibly suspicious.
Why on earth would anyone live in the house built on the same site? And then have it blurred out? Incredibly suspicious.

Why wouldn't you live in the house if it's a perfectly good house and you don't believe in ghost stories? They may have bought it long before Google Maps and Street View was a thing.
Given it's entirely legal in the UK to take photos of private propery/people from public property, why do Google even uphold these requests? It makes Streetview a mess and almost useless if everyone did it.

Surely in the case of the Home Alone house, it'd be better to have it available digitally rather than forcing people to go and see it in person, no?
Maybe the people who live there are really thick and think that the image is live and therefore people can use it to snoop on them.
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