Why is Vista better than XP

Shoseki said:
My pen looks better than your pen. Buy it. But you can only use my pen on my paper, which you also have to buy, and using my ink, which you have to buy. And if the paper becomes smudged with ink, not only do you have to buy new paper, but if it isn't the same type of paper that you originally used, you have to buy a new pen.
And hope to god there is no bacteria that eats the type of ink that my pens use, the only type of ink it uses, because if it does, there IS no more ink.

And in five years time, despite the fact that your pen and paper still work perfectly fine, you will be required to replace it all. Because we will stop providing you with ink for your current pen so you will no longer be able to use it.

We talking about apple here?!
Shoseki said:
My pen looks better than your pen. Buy it. But you can only use my pen on my paper, which you also have to buy, and using my ink, which you have to buy. And if the paper becomes smudged with ink, not only do you have to buy new paper, but if it isn't the same type of paper that you originally used, you have to buy a new pen.
And hope to god there is no bacteria that eats the type of ink that my pens use, the only type of ink it uses, because if it does, there IS no more ink.

And in five years time, despite the fact that your pen and paper still work perfectly fine, you will be required to replace it all. Because we will stop providing you with ink for your current pen so you will no longer be able to use it.

If the new pen looks better than the old one I'll take it. It's a bit like girlfriends. Have you ever had one of those? :D
I used to be dead set against Vista. Proclaiming that XP could do everything Vista could. I was the same when Windows 95 came out. I loved Windows 3.1. I could configure all the ini files. Windows 95 felt like it took a lot of features away from me, when it fact it actually offered far more once i had learned where they are and how to configure them.

Considering I have been using XP for over 5 years, and Vista RTM for only 2-3 weeks (Beta's since longhorn) I am naturally going to be far more proficient in XP than Vista (even if I include all the Beta's that were constantly changing). Until you have enough experience of Vista it does look like XP can do everything Vista can, but there comes a point when you realise that Vista can do more. It's just a learning curve. Some people are more resistant to change than others.

Besides, I spend more on a good weekend out than I do on Vista Home Premium OEM.
Considering they've had 5 years to work on vista they've added very little in the way of new features and innovations, looks mostly like they've been copying and adding small improvements tbh, i think to be fair there should be some new standards in OS's so games and programs can work on more than the common and most widely used one, proprietary and restricting operating systems are anticompetitive in a free market.
Radiation said:
Considering they've had 5 years to work on vista they've added very little in the way of new features and innovations, looks mostly like they've been copying and adding small improvements tbh,

Take a look at all current OS and take a look at their priovious versions (or KDE/GNOME version etc), and could you in all honestly sya there has been innovative or radial changes? Vista has been rebuilt from the ground up, so it's hard to see changes looking at the GUI alone. When new hardware comes out to support the features vista has implimented, thats when the innovations will become apparent.
GUI's are pretty much standard across all platforms, as the current model is deemed to work best. All that is ever changed on the surface are tweaks to improve user experience and speed up certain tasks.
Radiation said:
proprietary and restricting operating systems are anticompetitive in a free market.

Strange that they are the most sucessful ;)

OSX is probably the most restrictive as you have to buy hardware from one supplier and pay through the chops for it!

Then I would say it is MS OS's as at least they give the consumer the freedom to choose their own hardware.

Then it's the Linux's etc.

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Strange that they are the most sucessful ;)

However they got there it was down to lack of real choice in the past and their luck plus ability to make it widely used, doesn't change my point though but i agree about apple, they are worse.
The guy was obviously a fool, who an earth who do programming via voice recognition!

Why on earth did he keep saying "thankyou" to a machine! A voice recognition programme is going to be setup for people to dictate english grammer not Perl!

PS Was funny though ;)
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Shoseki said:
My pen looks better than your pen. Buy it. But you can only use my pen on my paper, which you also have to buy, and using my ink, which you have to buy. And if the paper becomes smudged with ink, not only do you have to buy new paper, but if it isn't the same type of paper that you originally used, you have to buy a new pen.
And hope to god there is no bacteria that eats the type of ink that my pens use, the only type of ink it uses, because if it does, there IS no more ink.

And in five years time, despite the fact that your pen and paper still work perfectly fine, you will be required to replace it all. Because we will stop providing you with ink for your current pen so you will no longer be able to use it.

Use a pencil.
Cuchulain said:
It's called licensing fees.

Nope, its called single point of failure. No-one is stupid enough to put all their eggs in one basket, which is why the most forward thinking software developers make their software useable on *all* platforms (even if it requires ./configure && make && make install, hardly the most difficult steps to complete).

I cannot natively use windows programs on mac or vice versa without an extra software layer. Yet most software developed for linux works on linux, mac and windows (classic example - Firefox). And, with the source code available, its possible this software could be ported to whatever the latest environment is in ten years time - as opposed to the closed source alternatives such as photoshop which would be dead within 6 months if the company ever went under.
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