Why Kurt Cobain!?

this thread seems to have taken a wrong turn somewhere, im not here to have a go at Kurt Cobain, just moaning that buckethead aint in some lists he's in :p
Shame he was an absolute moron though. Committing suicide is bad enough, leaving a wife and kid behind is another.

Songs such as 'I hate myself and I want to die' just sum it up really - a complete loser. The man who had almost everything and he hated it. We have him to thank for the emo **** we have now.

"They totally mess things up and then they sit back and look at what they messed up and then try to figure out how they can fix it, whereas we mess things up and just dwell on it and make it even worse." - Kurt Cobain on Guns n Roses; you really were an idiot weren't you Kurt? Thanks for 'inspiring' a generation to do absolutely **** all.
penski said:
sorry...you seem to have me mistaken for someone who cares for the feelings of dead junkies...

he was a talentless fop who happened to be in the right place at the right time and who remains worshipped by only two sections of society; kerrang readers and children of between the ages of 11 and 11 1/2


dont think that last quote merits a response...
Protoman said:
this thread seems to have taken a wrong turn somewhere, im not here to have a go at Kurt Cobain, just moaning that buckethead aint in some lists he's in :p

I'm more than happy to have a go at cobain...

I've been on quite an alice in chains kick this week...that may explain some of the vitriol...

rdizzle said:
dont think that last quote merits a response...
...yet still you gave it one...

come on, fanboy. please respond to at least one of my criticisms...

I really can't wait to find out just how pioneering cobain was...

please do tell me just why he was so critical to music in the early nineties and why he should be anything more than the briefest of footnotes in musical history...

Cobain wasn't the most technically skilled guitarist - far from it. But titles like these are irrelevant anyway, the most technically skilled guitarist is probably some guitarist you've never heard of that lives in Nepal or something, rather than the obvious Joe Satriani/Steve Vai or whoever.

Polls are generally pointless and - usually - just cater to the majority of people who read them.
Protoman said:
id say the definition of a great guitarist is someone who can play guitar to an extremely high level of efficiency and skill. e.g buckethead, slash, jimi hendrix, joe satriani, steve vai...etc

not someone whos cool and can play guitar to a listenable level.

Exactly, Kurt was a very sub par guitarist, everything he did was extremely basic.
Baker said:
you really were an idiot weren't you Kurt? Thanks for 'inspiring' a generation to do absolutely **** all.
"standing above the crowd, he had a voice that was strong and loud, and I swallowed his facade 'cause I'm so eager to identify with someone above the crowd, someone who appeared to feel the same, someone prepared to lead the way in, someone who would die for me..."

Pretty much what DM said. One doesn't have to be a great guitarist to make great guitar music. In the same way that a technically proficient guitarist might make very poor music. I mean, who wants to listen to a CD full of pointless widdling?

And who the hell is Buckethead?
There are lots of technically great musicians that won't come up with anything particularly good and original in their lifetimes. The greatest musicians are ones that fuse their technical ability with originality and talent...
Skunkworks said:
And who the hell is Buckethead?
Whos this guitar-playing sonsa bitch? , is a question common asked.

On his head a bucket of chicken bones, on his face a plaster mask.

Hes the ******* son of a preacher man, on the town he left a stain.

They made him live in a chicken house to try to and hide the shame.

He was born in a coop, raised in a cage. children fear him, critics rage.

Hes half alive, hes half dead. folks just call him buckethead.

Farmers would torment him as he snuggled with the hens.

Theyd hose him down with water, and steal his little friends.

Now late at night hed sneak off to the graveyard all alone,

And play a soapbox guitar to the faces made of stone.

Buckethead found his freedom at the age of 17,

When he burned the chicked house down with a quart of gasoline.

He did puppet shows on corners and bought a real guitar,

And with the help of colonel sanders, hes bound to be a star.

He was born in a coop, raised in a cage. children fear him, critics rage.

Hes half alive, hes half dead. folks just call him buckethead.

ill deffo remember it
but being a great person whos remembered dosnt make u a great guitarist

it makes u a great person who happened to play guitar.
Protoman said:
buckethead dosnt live in nepal :S

But seriously, I would also define a great guitarist as someone who can translate what they are feeling into the music they are playing. Kurt did that extremely well. One note can say a lot, people that say that smells like teen spirit is a bad solo are probably posting videos of themselves on youtube "shredding" away whilst actually not owning a metronome.

He was a truly fantastic guitarist.

jihad said:
Alexi Laiho/Herman Li TBH
If you meant that in a technical way, hardy har ;)
Ooo, had an interesting thought.

Suppose Nirvana was a four piece... with someone else singing and Cobain just on the guitar...

Would he still be remembered as a great guitarist? Something makes me say a resounding 'no', at least with comparison to recognition to his name now. Its true that knowing that someone is singing and playing seems to make the playing feel more soulful. I suppose thats why Jack White keeps cropping up in these top 100 polls as well.
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