Why Kurt Cobain!?

Chrisp7 said:
Firstly 'Emo' didnt really have a name before Nirvana, whilst I would agree they probably influenced the current Emo bands but unwittingly so. The difference with Nirvana was they actually felt what they were singing - there was no false 'emotion' a la Pearl Jam/Nickleback etc. I am sure Cobain would be turning in his grave at the thought of these awful 'emo' bands that followed.
Emo did have a name before Nirvana, or were bands like Rites of Spring and Embrace just making it up? Both bands had a sound that differed from the mid 80's DC hardcore scene and were labelled Emotional Hardcore by people because they actually felt what they were doing. Rites of Spring started referring themselves as emo around about that period (which from what I've read, was about 1985ish).
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Woody__ said:
Emo did have a name before Nirvana, or were bands like Rites of Spring and Embrace just making it up? Both bands had a sound that differed from the mid 80's DC hardcore scene and were labelled Emotional Hardcore by people because they actually felt what they were doing. Rites of Spring started referring themselves as emo around about that period (which from what I've read, was about 1985ish).

I didnt say Emo didnt exist before Nirvana, it just wasnt well known.
Chrisp7 said:
I didnt say Emo didnt exist before Nirvana, it just wasnt well known.
Yes, it was well known at all, but you said it didn't have a name. I just said that it did. ;)
dmpoole said:
Perhaps not technique but like Buddy Holly, Hank Marvin, Jimi Hendrix, Jimmy Page, EVH and countless others before him, he made 1000's upon 1000's of young men pick guitars up.

I have no doubts whatsoever that one pretend solo on tuning key on teen spirit video made more people pick guitar than entire years in Mark Knopflers top class career. Which makes Cobain one of the most influential musicians, charismatic musicians, loved personas, whichever way you want to swing it, but it doesn't make him good guitarist. Vide my Dylan example. Cobain fanbase is quite similar to Honda S2000 fanclubs - whenever there is any car competition Honda S2000 always wins or is in top 10, including categories like "Most versatile car in history" and it's a two seater cabrio with barely enough space for golf clubs. It's pretty much the same thing with Cobain, if the guy touched cello once, in some video you can bet he would be voted into top 10 cellists in annual Classical FM list.

I agree with you Cobain was influential musican, even if he was copycat, not the first one, not the last one to do something better by being worse at it, but guitarist competions should be about merits of guitar playing, not charisma, leadership or influence. And even if they were, deep inside you still have to agree - there were more influential bad guitarists in the history, it's not like Cobain made more people pick instruments than Dylan, Simon or even Cat Stevens but he's just more idolized one today. He's currently the fashionable teenage trauma icon, like... I don't know... Jim Morrison was in early nineties - I'm sure you remember - Doors were suddenly more popular before and after Kilimers rendition of Morrison than they de-facto were in sixties.
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