Why Vista wont suck - According to.....

As far as I'm aware, the 'performance rating' window is the new System Properties control panel. It will be in all versions of Vista.
bledd. said:
no need to be funny about it, i was simply stating a fact!

Sorry mate, its just that whenever a Vista thread pops up and people start dissing it, you can always expect the same comment :rolleyes:

Nevermind, i'll live with it :p
NathanE said:
I can't believe people actually believe this is fake?

This stuff is real people.

USB sticks are faster than hard drives and Vista supports a special caching facility called SuperFetch.

God knows what happened with the "FX-25", but the OS is still Beta.

faster than hard drives? didnt think the transfer rates were that much?

if its faster, could you install XP on a 2gig USB stick? and another 2gig for vRAM?
i dont mean using superfetch or whatever kind of caching that is, i just mean booting off a usb mem stick as nathanE is saying that they are faster than hard drives
It's not all about transfer rates (although yes they are faster, a PC PRO review not long ago revealed that most USB sticks run at ~80MB/sec) it's about seek times. The seek time on a USB stick is zero whereas a typical hard disk is about 10ms (or even possibly 50x higher than that depending on its work load.) For paging related tasks this makes them very valuable.

The very fact alone that it is another seperate place for the system to store pages of memory means it can only improve performance. It's like having two hard drives connected via different channels and assigning a page file to both of them - but obviously on a smaller scale.

The feature is called "Superfetch" and it is designed in such a way that even if the USB stick is removed from the system it won't affect stability (of course.)

It's not possible to boot Windows from a USB stick.
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hmm, thought there was an option to boot from USB?

there was also an article on toms hardware about booting off a usb stick as well wasnt there with XP?
ah. ok. wouldnt want to risk it in that case. hopefully, by the time that vista comes out, there would be higher densities available (and faster too)
Yeah, and you have to wear a silver suit with a visor and strap yourself in to a massive gyroscope to navigate it! ;)
Radiation said:
I hope within the next 5 to 10 years (preferably sooner) we start to see the internet going 3D, that would rock! :D
Less than that. One of WPF's (Avalon) design considerations was to act as a replacement to the ancient and hopelessly inadequate HTML/CSS based web we have today. I don't know about the 3D bit though, that could take a while longer ;)
It's not a typo on the CPU..

I believe the CPU reads as a FX25 because the guy who tested hasn't flashed to the latest motherboard BIOS and is using a new chip

...I'm thinking he's using the FX60.

FYI: I've seen FX57s show up as crazy things before now.
On a sort of related note - how does XP SP3 fit into this - wasn't that meant to have the new areo-glass stuff - or did I imagine that. A little searching around the web didnt reveal much on SP3. Release dates seem to vary from just before Vista up to a year afterwards and very little info on the actual features.
WPF/Avalon will be backported to XP. That does not mean Aero Glass, or indeed a desktop compositor, are being ported also. It simply means that third party software which rely on Avalon can still function on XP in a sort of compatibility mode.
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