Wierd Dreaming/Sleeping Experiences

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i have a reoccuring nightmare where i am falling and its when i hit something when i wake up very quickly, its not a nice experience because it seems so real even after i have woken up.

more recently i have had dreams about leaving everything behind and going away with out telling anyone, but somehow staying behind and watching the people i left with out them knowing, odd i know but i think about this while i am awake aswell.
I've had some weird dreams over the years. Can't recall them all, but if you search my online journal then you will see that there are some strange ones.

I used have dreams of flying. Well, it was more like stepping on pockets of air, getting higher each time. It was a wonderful feeling.

I also used to dream that I couldn't hit anyone. I used to go up to them and my arms would flail out but not actually achieve any power. The more I tried to hit them the more tired I felt.

I used have a recurring nightmare where I would be in total darkness (sometimes with random images) and lots of shouting that was very scary.

Another scary experience was when I woke up and couldn't move (sleep paralysis) but I could hear a high-pitched sound. I could hear my dad was getting ready for work, but I couldn't speak to him. It felt like someone was pressing down on my chest too. This lasted for about two minutes or so before I felt a kind of electrical shock and then I could move again.

The scariest dream I ever had and one which haunted me into the daylight hours was when I had just bought a digital camera (recently). In the dream it had a movie mode that could somehow 'beam' what it was recording to the downstairs TV. I was messing with it in my bedroom and decided to go downstairs for a drink. I realised I had left it switched on REC mode. As I went past the TV downstairs, the screen came on and I could see the picture of my room. All of a sudden, the things in my room started to come alive! And I kept thinking, "this is what happens when I am not there!" I was well freaked by that experience. Doesn't sound like much, but it was a completely scary experience, just knowing that 'something wasn't right'

I need to get my dream recall better before I attempt lucid dreaming. I tried last night, but I wasn't sure if I was dreaming about attempting lucid dreaming or whether it really worked. ?!?
having owned and subsequently resold a nova dreamer I can confirm that this is an extremely reliable way of achieving lucidity within a dream.

For the money it isn't cheap... but if you're determined to see the insides of your mind while asleep, there is no better way.
Go here,this is got a wicked download www.liquid-dream.com

The program is called liquid dream 2 and is desighned to help you get lucid.
Details from from website:

Liquid Dream II is a dream journal which can help you to:
remember your dreams more vividly
understand what they mean
learn the lessons presented in them
guide your conscious awareness into a dream
remind you that you are dreaming whilst you are dreaming and
ultimately help you have full control over your dream state
I'm quite good at remembering my dreams - I tend to run over them in my head all morning, andlater in the day events normally happen that remind me of what happened in dreams.

I find my dreams are all very closely related to my friends, interests and hobbies.
Some things are bizzarely detailed, others are vague. It's quite hard to explain really - I might know exactly what a place in my dream is but can't for the life of me remember what it physically looked like, or sometimes the opposite happens - I remember every nook and crannie of a particular building but can't for the life of me remember what it's function is.

In fact, I'd like to start a parallel thread this week about dreams - just a plain "record your dreams here" type thread.
Originally posted by Lopéz
I'm quite good at remembering my dreams - I tend to run over them in my head all morning, andlater in the day events normally happen that remind me of what happened in dreams.

I find my dreams are all very closely related to my friends, interests and hobbies.
Some things are bizzarely detailed, others are vague. It's quite hard to explain really - I might know exactly what a place in my dream is but can't for the life of me remember what it physically looked like, or sometimes the opposite happens - I remember every nook and crannie of a particular building but can't for the life of me remember what it's function is.

In fact, I'd like to start a parallel thread this week about dreams - just a plain "record your dreams here" type thread.

Hehe - I actually did make a DreamLog thread - but decided not to post :)

Go ahead m8y :)
1st off - Excellent thread.

I very, very rarely remember my dreams, and even when I do it is very bitty and the memory fades within 5-10 minutes.

One dream that I do remember quite clearly happened about a year ago - I dreamt that I was being bullied by a couple of guys in a "playground" kind of way, but we were all adults. The realisation that we were all adults seemed to hit us at the same time and I, realising that it would turn into a fight decided to get the first blows in by headbutting the nearest one.

In the "real world" I headbutted my GF twice in the back of the head before obviously realising what I was doing and apologising, and then slipping back into the dream to headbutt her again!:D

Also, one thing I have noticed is that a lot of people have been saying that they used to remember their dreams more clearly / were able to dream lucidly when they were younger - do you think it is an age thing and as we get older we learn to block out our dreams from every day life?

With regard to why we dream I have heard a theory that it is the brains way of ordering the information received in the past day and filing it by making links with other parts of the memory - I guess we won't know until we can understand the brain in a lot more detail than we currently do.
I used to be pretty scared of going to sleep when I was much younger. Experiencing sleep paralysis isn't funny when you're young and don't know what's going on. I can remember being semi-awake, unable to move, but being aware of all the scary shadows surrounding me. Reading about it though shows that the worst thing you can do is start panicking - just relax and you'll soon get back to sleep.

Don't think I've ever really experienced this lucid dreaming reglarly though there have been time when I've known I'm dreaming and have been able to determine what happens in the dream. What usually happens is, I dream about a certain event that day e.g. If someone said something really annoying/nice to you earlier in the day I'd have a dream involving that event even though I hadn't been thinking about it conciously beforehand. I also have like a house/region in which loads of dreams are based, even though I've never seen in such an area in my life. Could even draw a rough map of the area and plan of the house which is freaky.

The brain is amazing, but scary if you don't know what's going on :/

The b
The trick to remembering dreams is a bit barbaric,
it involves setting your alarm clock about 4 hours early,then keep hitting the snooze button and writing down the dreams while there fresh in your head without thinking about anything else.

Amazingly i found that despite you keep disturbing your sleep,theres 2 advantages

1.youll never be late for work or anything for that matter from sleeping past your alarm clock

2. for some reason it creates less tiredness throughout the day.

Now 1 is obvious,its training,but 2 well....my theory is that this creates much more REM sleep and seems to help de-frag your brains hard drive properly and must do a proper scan disk in the mix too :)

The other advantage is you should be able to train your system to remember dreams.

Reality checks are something youre supposed to do day in day out,basically you need to flick light switches on and off,look at your watch,look in the mirror,look at your hands.

See the brain is not capable of replicating devices or standard physics,your problem with dreams is accepting your surroundings and not looking to see if things are real or not,
if youve ever looked at your watch in a dream youll notice that one minute it says 10:00am and the next minute itll be
8:00pm or it wont work,
now gravity is obviously not a factor so you should do flight tests when your outside,try jumping around.

I think that when you are asleep you are technically brain damaged,lucidity is actually where the brain damage is broken,cos obviously theres no real damage its just when your asleep in due coarse you are actually amazingly stupid when youre asleep,if you have full brain capacity while asleep then naturally youll notice things are not right.
Doom, I don't think your cross-referencing humans to computers is something that is comparable.

I fly a lot in my dreams. Sometimes its hard to get into the sky others I can fly about freely - yesterday infact, I flew from the ground into the clouds, looking at the groud below - I love it. Green fields below, windy skies with clouds all around. Sometimes when I'm near to sleeping, I will think of one dream, which sets me off remembering all the forgotten dreams I've had.

I don't think I've ever realised that I've been dreaming properly, but it does seem like I have a lot of control over my dreams (Isn't that just normal?)

As I get older, my dreams don't seem to have gotten any less.
Hmm, i used to have dreams of driving cars at late night down country roads, then skidding and landing in a field, then two big dogs ran up to the door and started barking like mad. Wasnt the most pleasant dream.

Just out of interest has anyone else here had when you wake up in the night and your face is down in your pillow and you can hardly breathe, but your muscles feel asleep and you cant turn your neck ?

Acolyte :)
Originally posted by Acolyte
Just out of interest has anyone else here had when you wake up in the night and your face is down in your pillow and you can hardly breathe, but your muscles feel asleep and you cant turn your neck ?

Acolyte :)

That's called sleep paralysis mate - a few people have recollected their experiences (All of which sound horrifying) in this thread - have a read backwards :)
its bloody horrible, you lay there breathing as hard as you can, then you have to think about moving, sometimes i can lay there for about 5 mins then all of a sudden jolt myself onto my front, its a most unpleasant experience had it only a few days ago :(
Sleep paralysis happened to me once, I never realised what it was until now and you've just freaked me out :p

I was on my front my eyes were open, I mean I knew I was there and stuff but I couldn't move or do anything.

It was really weird as soon as I got out of it I didn't really think anything of it, but it was as if I'd just had some kind of fit :\
Originally posted by iam
Anybody know the cause for sleep paralysis? :confused:

Yes it prevents you sleep walking,it occurs all the time while youre asleep actually,
however sleep paralysis is just awareness of your body in this state,technically youre awake at a point when your body isnt.

Edit: i believe it happens between a waking and falling back to REM sleep state,i reckon the rem sleep is long enough to have the body go to sleep as per normal but the brain doesnt,most commonly its upon wakening,where the brain has come out of rem,but not quiet enough for the body to wake up aswell,
so really its just a delay,an error.

Your brain has crashed!
Do you want to tell microsoft about this error?
do tell microsoft dont tell microsoft
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