Wife's car stolen from our driveway overnight

Yeah nowadays i don't think faraday pouches are really worthwhile, lots of easier ways to steal cars for the most part.

Have a read of this if you want to scare yourself with just one example with how easy modern cars are to steal.. :(

For a 'security expert' that Ian guy sure does lack common sense. So his car was getting breached several times in the same area and at no point did he wonder why they were only trying to get to a certain spot and what was around that area worth looking for?
Amazing really.
Sorry to hear that. Even old cars aren't safe.

We had something similar happen to a family member. Old car with over 100k, not even good spec. They went on holiday and when they came back the car had disappeared. The car didn't even have keyless entry/start. Assuming they picked it up on a trailer.
Why would they be any different, the car just asks for torque from the PCM, it doesnt car if its petrol, diesel or electric.

Dunning-Kruger. The fact you think it would shows how little you actually understand on this subject, the issue is you dont know enough to understand your own lack of knowledge, hence D-K syndrome.

The UWB reduceds thefts not attentuate. Attenuate would be to reduce the effect of so as the UWB keys dont magic a free Uber for stolen JLR car drivers the work attentuate is both wrong and overly complex for the sake a character count. KISS.​
You don’t need to relay a key when you can use the OBD2 port to code a fresh key on the car.

JLR BCM updates now lock the car to only 2 keys. Software and BCM changes back to 2018 cars to help. If they want the car they just smash the house door in though…

Nasher will know more of course if we need more detail.

Yet they are still vanishing by the ship load, so can't have worked for long.
It has actually, but you wouldn’t know that as you are still 2nd class poster. Measures include port security too. Literally no data for your counter claim and we are supposed to take it at franks value, you don’t even seal your letters down the post is so easy to open up.

desirability comes at a cost regardless, it’s almost as like the appetite for the cars is as high as yours for special delivery trolling.
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Why would they be any different, the car just asks for torque from the PCM, it doesnt car if its petrol, diesel or electric.
they aren't I was just refuting the post from previous page ( stripping interchangeable battery modules must be on the agenda )
but hmmh UWB hasn't been a silver bullet for relay attacks - that's interesting.
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