Wii Fit - Who`s Ordered?

Yes our's has lain neglected for over a week now.

Out yesterday for a two and a half hour walk on the Ridgeway, fresh air, pleasant scenery, nice suntan and probably burned @700 calories. Oh and aching legs too but far more enjoyable!

Each to their own I guess.

I'd never replace a walk like that for Wii Fit; you'd need to be mental!

The muscle exercises are faily good though once you've unlocked more reps, to fit in 30/60 mins when you'd otherwise not have time. Not really got into the games or the yoga. Missus loves the step and hula stuff though.

I've found the best thing about it, though, is that you're constantly reminded about keeping balance/posture during the exercise, like having someone with you at the gym. My posture has noticeably improved, as has my leg balance. I'm also far more aware of my weight, and that I need to lose a few pounds... :o
I've lost 7lbs since we got Wii fit, whether that's down to the exercises or just more awareness of weight etc I don't know, but it's a good thing. Additionally I've noticed a good improvement in my balance, and I'm getting strength built in my bad leg through sheer bloody mindedness.

And all without having to spend a fortune on a monthly gym membership for something that's easily ignored.
I've lost 7lbs since we got Wii fit, whether that's down to the exercises or just more awareness of weight etc I don't know, but it's a good thing. Additionally I've noticed a good improvement in my balance, and I'm getting strength built in my bad leg through sheer bloody mindedness.

And all without having to spend a fortune on a monthly gym membership for something that's easily ignored.

Nice one. I've actually put weight on, 4lbs, since owning it! However, I couldn't eat properly for 2 years so I've been steadily putting weight back on anyway.
188m on ski jump :D

that bloody boxing gets more confusing footwork than super step!
do like wii fit :D
So a month on after release would you guys still recommend it or has it started to collect dust? I've been wondering about this for a while but am worried the novalty factor will wear off. Besides i'm now proper into my karting! :p
looking to pick one of these up for my parents, but we can't find any in stock!

I would like to ask for help but have just realised the competitor rule, GAH!
Still actively using it here. I think if you know what you want to use it for then you will keep using it.. if you buy it because you think it's "cool" then you will likely get bored very quickly.. a bit like the Wii itself really.
still using ours nearly everyday. It's definitely helped my balance and posture, and despite trying lots previously, i can also do press ups now! My weight has also stabilised.
still using, wife loves it, boy loves some of the balance games (though he needs a helping toe as hes only ickle!).
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