Wildstar New MMO (NCSoft and Carbine Studios)

Rolled a Mordesh Eng named Khallon on Ravenous - queue times through the roof on Hazak (as expected), although Rav filled up darn quickly too and is now showing as full.

Got off starter ship and now off out!
Just got crazy queue times now, not cool :(

It has a red message "Guest accounts that haven't purchased Wildstar have a lower queue priority".

I don't know if it's saying this as it thinks that applies to me? Hope not, I have purchased the game, how else would I be playing in the head-start??
I'm in the queue for Ravenous also, but the time seems to be going down quite quickly. Can't believe how quick this realm filled up also :o
Do you have that message about guest accounts on your queue timer also? Just a bit paranoid it thinks I don't own the game lol.
Given up on Hazak queue, gonna head over to Rav for now and make some Dominion chars there till I can go back to my Exiles on Hazak.

Bit annoying though cause I want to be getting on with my main but feel I'm just messin about on alts now. Ah well.
I remember one of the beta weekends lagging like this when it just opened, it smoothed out later that day so hopefully it's just the load from everyone being in the same zones atm.

I wonder how many people the servers hold. They are always boasting that it's more than most MMO's but i don't think ive seen a figure.
I managed to create a character on Ascendancy but when I tried to log in I got to the end of the loading bar and nothing. Now I can't connect. Hopefully the character is still there.

I think I shall go and see Edge of Tomorrow and try again later.
Same thing happened to me 'Wes on Hazak, I've just hopped over to Rav and made an alt there for now. Still in tutorial zone though, hope I can get through to starter zone.
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