Wildstar New MMO (NCSoft and Carbine Studios)

2 hour queue :( urgh, I think ima go play some Fifa for a couple of hours.

My guess is they have pop caps at the moment for headstart, so come release on the 3rd they will up the cap. Seen that done a few times in the past with other MMO's.
I'm on Ravenous and going well, a little lag, though not bad! and the game is running much smoother than it was in beta for me.
Now they're both full. I'll just jump in a queue and wait. What server is everyone calling home? I know it's a bit spread at the moment but I'm sure they'll all settle within a day or 2.
Right things not going well, and as I'm away pretty hard to sort guild issue.

For now we going to hold to Hazak if we can, it's kinda impossible for me to call it whilst not in game, or trying to get into the game.

When I'm back tomorrow night will try sort done thing out from the shambles, though pretty sure we gonna lose quite a few because of this.

Painful thing is we told them one EN PvP server is not enough, and got shouted down by Couger & his cohorts!
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I managed to log straight in at ~9am. I couldn't talk in chat, it was laggy, I couldn't open the pre-order items. I got kicked off about 20 minutes later and since then I cannot get in-game.

I've waited in a 1.5k-2k queue 4 times and once I get to the front of the queue I just get taken to a blank char select screen (http://i.imgur.com/0qRj0P2.jpg). I've just heard that opening a 2nd copy of the game while you have that bug fixes it, so I'm sitting in the queue for another 30 minutes waiting now.

Hardly a smooth launch, take a look at https://forums.wildstar-online.com/forums/index.php?/topic/55715-headstart-issues-31514/
Right things not going well, and as I'm away pretty hard to sort guild issue.

For now we going to hold to Hazak if we can, it's kinda impossible for me to call it whilst not in game, or trying to get into the game.

When I'm back tomorrow night will try sort done thing out from the shambles, though pretty sure we gonna lose quite a few because of this.

Painful thing is we told them one EN PvP server is not enough, and got shouted down by Couger & his cohorts!

I thought there was a post to say join Ravenous, which a lot of us already did ???
I managed to log straight in at ~9am. I couldn't talk in chat, it was laggy, I couldn't open the pre-order items. I got kicked off about 20 minutes later and since then I cannot get in-game.

I've waited in a 1.5k-2k queue 4 times and once I get to the front of the queue I just get taken to a blank char select screen (http://i.imgur.com/0qRj0P2.jpg). I've just heard that opening a 2nd copy of the game while you have that bug fixes it, so I'm sitting in the queue for another 30 minutes waiting now.

Hardly a smooth launch, take a look at https://forums.wildstar-online.com/forums/index.php?/topic/55715-headstart-issues-31514/

Thanks for the tip on the 2nd client - Had this happen to me around 3 times now.
I thought there was a post to say join Ravenous, which a lot of us already did ???

Yeah apologies I have seen the post now, it's fine, best advice I can give is everyone just jump on where you can, it does seem that most have now moved to Ravenous, so that may well be the best bet, once I'm back tomorrow night I will take stock of who is where and make a decision from there.
I seem to log in fine now to Rav, but when I click on my char to go it hangs on loading screen :(

Still least I have made my char now, just one more step to go and thats to get into the game and play :)
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