Wildstar New MMO (NCSoft and Carbine Studios)

This game is so dull at the start but once you get passed about level 10 it becomes 100 x better. The world becomes full of wonder and the questing brilliant. Loving the combat and really like that every little area has a mini boss/group quest. I'm enjoying trying to solo them :D

Having a dull start is bad form really. I wasnt going to get this after playing the beta for 30 minutes as i found it awful. But might grab this next month if it keeps getting positive feedback.
This is the first MMO in a very long time that I can genuinely see myself sticking to for a good while. It feels like WoW 2.0 in space... sort of.

This is exactly what I thought. Its a big improvement over WoW. While still keeping that similar feel, non of the other MMOs seem to reach. I can see quite a few hardcore WoW guilds moving over, the transition shouldn't be too taxing. Its a rich world with plenty to do.
Went from installing to being able to join the server instantly, my code was from greenmangaming, £28 with voucher.
Servers are down for a hotfix.

Hazak is full of Russians, might start again on Ravenous.
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Good game, it runs like **** on low end machines though, which is odd since its all that amazing graphics, hopefully it might get better with patches.
Fixed an occasional crash resulting from right clicking to report spam.
Fixed a bug where players who had purchased the game were being placed into the "guest" realm queue.
Fixed an exploit that was allowing some users to bypass the server queue.
Fixed issue causing character create screen to be blank after the queue popped.
The Bag of Awesomeness can now be rebound via the Account Services UI if the player character no longer has the bag in inventory.
Fixed a server crash related to pathing.
Added morecheat detection.

Patch notes.
Explorer profession is basically the vista system from Guild Wars, and regional events where everybody contributes is basically the same as Guild Wars. :p

Not that there is anything wrong with borrowing ideas, I'm having a decent amount of fun so far, like the pace and mobility of the spellslinger, although all quest rewards being esper gear is bloody annoying, and it all looks the same. :(
I'd forgotten how anti-social MMO's turn you. I was supposed to go out for a couple of beers last night but made the mistake sitting back down at the PC after dinner, just for 5mins... :p
I'd forgotten how anti-social MMO's turn you. I was supposed to go out for a couple of beers last night but made the mistake sitting back down at the PC after dinner, just for 5mins... :p

MMO's have saved me a fortune over the years. Before I got into DAoC, back in 2001, I used to spend a fortune down the pub but £10 pm for subs worked out a lot cheaper :D
<3 costumes

I guess the people stuck queueing all the time may have been the ones with the guest bug? I didn't have any queue once I'd started getting on the server fine.

PS: I hate this game! Why does every single class have to be so much fun? :(
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