Wildstar New MMO (NCSoft and Carbine Studios)

Yeah I've decided I'm just gonna play Dominion on Ravenous and then have some Exile char's on Hazak when the queues calm down over there.
Still big queues in Hazak, been queued since 10am this morning and still not in. To the guys who jumped ship, well played! :p I'm committed now however to Hazak.

I got my char to about level 6 last night before I went out.......so the choice of waiting in a que all day for a char that's only lvl 6 wasn't worth it.

Changed server 3 minute que :)
I got my char to about level 6 last night before I went out.......so the choice of waiting in a que all day for a char that's only lvl 6 wasn't worth it.

Changed server 3 minute que :)

I decided to roll on Ascendancy for now with a friend of mine. I may move my character (if, or when transfers are available) in future, but it's nice to level without PvP for now.

No queues either which is great.
I switched to Ravenous the second it went live. I can't be bothered with queues really, just want to play and my server is populated so its fine. Just hit level 20 and gonna try my first dungeon soon.
The Immortals

Tel you want guys if you looking for a invite drop you game name here and I will try sort out that someone sends you a invite. Remember we on Ravenous Server.

Tbh the guild as far as I can see is all over the place so no idea what kind of numbers we will end up with, and. If anyone knows me wPvP is pretty damn important to me, so we may have to do some serious rebuilding that we can, as per normal be the no1 guild in wPvP, players should run from a Immortal :)

For those who don't know us just have a look at our YouTube channels for some epic battles in swtor and a few others!
but it's nice to level without PvP for now.
Outside of matches i'm not seeing any PvP on Ravenous. Been playing on Whitevale all day as Dominion and all the Exiles just run on past. I've attacked a couple of people and hung arounsd to see if they'd bring friends but they just rez and carry on questing lol.
Hey Nemeses, my in game name is "Kakihara", an invite would be great!

The game doesn't run all that great on my late 2013 rMBP (750m) on medium to low settings. It's playable though.
Just got home and I'm in the first queue since yesterday morning. 545, and apparently 1hr 19mins wait.. Doubt it will be that long though
Just a thought.. might be worthwhile spending any Prestige you earn while leveling on lvl 50 PvP starter gear. Seems a waste to spend it on the low level stuff as you outlevel it so quckly.
Eugh typical world boss experience, did two today, one as a tank class and kept as much agro as possible and the other on DPS and came second. It's all random of course, I get a green sword on one I can't use, and two medishots worth a spit in the face on the other but all my mates get blues which they can also use.
Does anyone know if the highwayman costume can be used on multiple chars? Or once you bind it to one char is that it?

Don't know which of my chars to use it on and cant find out if you only get to use on one.
Still big queues in Hazak, been queued since 10am this morning and still not in. To the guys who jumped ship, well played! :p I'm committed now however to Hazak.

Thing is, the devs have said Hazak is at peak capacity and have urged players (ones that haven't done much) to reroll on Ravenous (which is also rather full) or Zhur (which is full but no queues).

I've decided to stick to Zhur, i don't have the time or patience to wait an hour or more in a queue, and Zhur has no Russians (bonus).
They have really done a very good job at making each class, I honestly can't decide between Medic, Engineer and Stalker! I absolutely love all 3
Thing is, the devs have said Hazak is at peak capacity and have urged players (ones that haven't done much) to reroll on Ravenous (which is also rather full) or Zhur (which is full but no queues).

I've decided to stick to Zhur, i don't have the time or patience to wait an hour or more in a queue, and Zhur has no Russians (bonus).

Yeah now Rav has a 2+ hour wait... How can these games companies not look at their subs and plan accordingly :confused:
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