Wildstar New MMO (NCSoft and Carbine Studios)

good to hear the 'mage' like class has always been a preference for (dont like getting my hands dirty :)) with the option to go down a healing route as well makes it very appealing.

This is exactly what I'm thinking at the moment. However, read quite a bit of stuff on the forums where people have found the lack of mobility of the Esper to be frustrating and ended up switching to SS.
Saw this on the official forums and just wondered if you chaps agreed? I'm particularly interested in the "challenge to play" ratings:

Challenge to Play: Moderate

Challenge to Play: Low

Challenge to Play: Moderate-to-High

Melee (to Mid)
Challenge to Play: Low-to-Moderate

Challenge to Play: High

Challenge to Play: High

That's all subject to the player controlling the class. Some people will make certain classes look easy, others will struggle getting a class to perform the way it should for the role that they have chosen.

What i will say, is that Warrior isn't melee if you go the tanking route (relies on the wrist gun), unless you're able to mix it up with the DPS abilities. So i now play a Stalker tank.
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Well i normally pick a few classes and run them to lvl 10 to 15 to try and get a feel for which one I think will keep me interested into the late game.

Might have to try a Spellslinger and Medic as well and see where i get with them.

The lack of mobility might be an issue but having not played the game yet just watched a lot it may be something that takes some practice and not just having a rotation but knowing when in your rotation you can move to keep optimal dps (or healing). Although in more group based pve with a good tank and proper positioning would mobility be that much of an issue?
I have found the Esper easier than the other classes, but I think that may be because I come from mainly playing a Shadow priest in Wow, so I'm used to playing the immobile class?
The Esper seems to be a melding of the Sorcerer and Spiritmaster from Aion, in fact the whole game feels like a progression from Aion which I couldn't be happier about !:p!
So from the sounds of people posts over the last couple pages and the talk within the game chat along with guild chat a lot of people are really enjoying this game. Including me ^^ what I am looking forward to most is the endgame only got to a point to do a dungeon in the beta then I stopped playing it.

The Medic at the moment is easy enough to play – but questing as a dps with a few healing abilities in the toolbar usually helps a great deal and can pull larger groups.

My role will be healer in groups, I am a scientsist (abit boring) but the perks to summon the group and create a portal to the main city is why I picked it.

I am also doing medishots and relic hunting for my tradeskills ready for the guild bank to provide as much as I can to help out with Dungeons/Raids and different roles.
Never played Aion, pretty much burned myself out on wow, years of mmos before hand then years on wow (with a lot of grinding near the end) made me look elsewhere.

Wildstar is the first mmo that has faintly kindled that spark again
How I see this game is that it moulds every good feature that I liked about all the MMO's I've played, Wow, GW2, SWTOR, Rift and puts it all into 1 very polished package and with some very promising End Game content.

All the other MMO's ive played after Wow I got to level cap and stopped playing, this I have a much better feeling about!
So many low(around 14-17) characters have mounts already? I have like 2 gold to my name.

Am I missing something?

Get an addon called "JunkIt" and set it up to auto sell all loot up to blue quality whenever you click a shop. Disable auto-repair... never repair your gear as you replace it faster then you can ruin it. Don't salvage items only sell them.

Now whenever you see a shop click it and all your bags will be emptied instantly of all sellable loot. I got the money for my mount very fast this way.
Digital Deluxe provides a free mount.

I have it mate. But as Eek said only unlocks at lvl 25 :(

Get an addon called "JunkIt" and set it up to auto sell all loot up to blue quality whenever you click a shop. Disable auto-repair... never repair your gear as you replace it faster then you can ruin it. Don't salvage items only sell them.

Now whenever you see a shop click it and all your bags will be emptied instantly of all sellable loot. I got the money for my mount very fast this way.

I have JunkIt. I always repair and always salvage. I guess that's why I'm still running around like a noob :p thanks for the tip!
I got my mount at level 16, and at 22 I'm swimming in gold. Up to 15g now and getting like 4 gold every few quests from rewards + items I'm looting.

Generally always go back to my house and unlock things though.
I prefer the SpaceStash addon over Junkit. As well as auto-selling it changes your bag window to whatever size you want so you don't have to scroll, lets you see what's in yuor bank wherever you are etc.
Got my mount at 15. Just sold everything as I had read elsewhere that gold can be an issue in early game.

Best thing to do is only buy the class skills that you will actually use. They get costly upwards of level 10. I think I had about 19g by level 15 doing this. Got my house n mount.

Feels like getting to level 16 has taken an age. I rolled engineer but tempted to try SS...is it similar to the pistol class in SWTOR? Thats what put me off rolling it in the first place but now i get the impression its a bit different.
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