Wildstar New MMO (NCSoft and Carbine Studios)

Whilst I'm enjoying my stalker (lvl 10 now) I do have a couple of (probably stupid and noob) questions!

1. How far do you zoom in out when playing? If I zoom right out my char is tiny but if I zoom further in I can't really see all that much around me. Is this an FOV issue?

2. How do you tell what lvl mobs are? I have the Bijiplates addon so I can see the names but how can you tell what lvl they are without clicking on the them? I've died a couple of times having a bash at something I thought was a normal mob but was a lot stronger. These were in areas with mobs my lvl so I just blindly ploughed through, perhaps I should look more!

I'm sure there's lots of other things I want answering but I can't remember them at this time. Right, off to get an hour in before I have to go to work.
Does anyone else get random crashes to desktop, crashes from memory errors?
Took off my overclocks and still the same:(
every other game runs flawless.

fun game tho just need to sort the crashes.
If you have Bijiplates try updating it as they added a fix for some memory issues today. I stopped using it because of it before and have only just installed it again this morning so no idea how well the fix has worked.
I noticed something last night while healing the adventure we did last night and it’s the move that gives a shield to the person who has the lowest health. The problem is this;

Tank has no shield but 6.9k health
Assault Medic is full shield and full health with 5.5k health

When using this ability with them both in my telegraph it gives it to the Assault Medic, who doesn’t need it! What I had to do it make sure that the Tank was alone in my telegraph to give him some more shield. Just abit annoying but all I did was just adjust my play style to suite the mechanics of this heal.

Oh and on another note I seem to be the only one who doesn’t have a capital in my name within the immortals guild! Usually it auto changes them in most games to It was my fault due to laziness and anticipation of playing the game as I didn’t reserve my name.

So they are trying to get ‘little c’ to stick which I don’t mind ha-ha
Whilst I'm enjoying my stalker (lvl 10 now) I do have a couple of (probably stupid and noob) questions!

1. How far do you zoom in out when playing? If I zoom right out my char is tiny but if I zoom further in I can't really see all that much around me. Is this an FOV issue?

2. How do you tell what lvl mobs are? I have the Bijiplates addon so I can see the names but how can you tell what lvl they are without clicking on the them? I've died a couple of times having a bash at something I thought was a normal mob but was a lot stronger. These were in areas with mobs my lvl so I just blindly ploughed through, perhaps I should look more!

I'm sure there's lots of other things I want answering but I can't remember them at this time. Right, off to get an hour in before I have to go to work.

Default FOV is only 50, you can change it yourself with the customFOV addon or type this into chat changing "50" to whatever you want, i use 65... /eval Apollo.SetConsoleVariable("camera.FovY", 50)

For the level you need to go into Bijiplates options, check the box for "Always Show Level" and i believe you also need to scroll down and check the box "Show Bars" under Hostile Non Player, the left box not just the in combat box on the right.
Tried some STL yesterday, First boss was easy and trash was fine too. The boss that summons lighting adds however, we had issues with. Trying to remove the interrupt armor and stun him during the summoning was too much - I had to swap out a second interrupt as tank but didn't help. Must be doing something wrong...

I updated my fov to 65 yesterday and i must say i am finding it the overall look a lot nicer now.

Updated to ultra as well last night and there was virtually no difference in frame rates, still sitting at 35-45 so no justified new graphics card just yet :)

Lag seems to be big issue at the moment causing stutters with my gameplay
Default FOV is only 50, you can change it yourself with the customFOV addon or type this into chat changing "50" to whatever you want, i use 65... /eval Apollo.SetConsoleVariable("camera.FovY", 50)

For the level you need to go into Bijiplates options, check the box for "Always Show Level" and i believe you also need to scroll down and check the box "Show Bars" under Hostile Non Player, the left box not just the in combat box on the right.

Thanks, I'll change the FOV and hopefully it wont look like I'm playing Ants.
Does anyone else get random crashes to desktop, crashes from memory errors?
Took off my overclocks and still the same:(
every other game runs flawless.

fun game tho just need to sort the crashes.

Running like a dream for me so far. No crashes or drops in frame rate. I don't use any addons (yet) though.
So, what class is everyone playing and how much are you enjoying it?

I've rolled Esper. Love the concept of the class and the spell effects are amazing (combat as a whole has a wonderful crisp feeling - I think the competitive PVP will be great), but I am finding the lack of mobility slightly frustrating at the moment.

There you go guys, three more passes.

Just quote which one you took please.
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So, what class is everyone playing and how much are you enjoying it?

I've rolled Esper. Love the concept of the class and the spell effects are amazing (combat as a whole has a wonderful crisp feeling - I think the competitive PVP will be great), but I am finding the lack of mobility slightly frustrating at the moment.

I'm playing an engineer with the scientist path, decided to roleplay as myself. :D I'm enjoying it but to be honest I haven't really stopped to learn everything about my class, I just found out a good build and have stuck with it. A lot of skills I have no idea what they do because they have never graced my action bar.
So, what class is everyone playing and how much are you enjoying it?

I've rolled Esper. Love the concept of the class and the spell effects are amazing (combat as a whole has a wonderful crisp feeling - I think the competitive PVP will be great), but I am finding the lack of mobility slightly frustrating at the moment.

Spellslinger, almost level 32 now and really enjoying it. High mobility and high damage is fun :)
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