Wildstar New MMO (NCSoft and Carbine Studios)

Maybe. I prefer my skill set atm for PvE though. Currently have Quick Draw, Rapid Fire, Gate, Ignite, Flame Burst, Assassinate and Arcane Shock.

Arcane Shock I don't use much while questing but its a must have for dungeons.
Actually I just read what T4 does for Charged Shot, sounds a lot better now. Still don't know what I'd replace for it though. Annoying being limited on the abilities you can use.
I run with Quick Draw, Wild Barrage, Gate, Charged Shot, Runes of Protection, Flash Freeze Assassinate and Void Slip for PvP. For PvE i have flame burst instead of void slip, different amps and ability tiers in each.
I really like the PvP build you have there. Might have to steal it ;)

Still need to experiment a bit with skills, will probably start doing it more when I hit level 30 in one more level as I unlock my final slot. Its about time :p
It seems pretty effective so far. If i could get the Trigger Fingers amp i would probably swap out Void Slip for Phase Shift to have 50% deflect but that amp seems to be the rarest in the game and Phase Shift's cooldown is too long with it.
Anyone else getting horrific lag tonight? Unplayable for me.

Last night I was. Seemed server side. Quests taking 3-4 seconds to pop up, complete. Weirdly, repeatedly clicking complete would sometimes duplicate rewards - so definitely strange server stuff occurring. At the time, my latency was showing in the 27 ms range.
When i ran to the edge of the cliff and saw this my jaw literally dropped. Looks awesome

You can look at what unlocks you get at each level by clicking on the icon in the bottom left, brings up a list of stuff. Will tell you in there.
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