Wildstar New MMO (NCSoft and Carbine Studios)

Anybody with a guest pass? I just bought the game but wouldn't mind an extra 7 days for free :)

Also if there is some reward for you from anyone using your guest pass and then buying its guaranteed as I have the game! :)
and the guild for immortals usually announce if anything is going on, we did an adventure last night with another guildie and with me and my brother being tank/healer setup we always ask in guild chat for the dps so that they dont wait in que for too long

I tend to only do things like that within the guild, although we have around 35/40 members, we need to get a few more in, feels like we a bit light at times.

Once the game is settled will find that you have roughly 25/35% of the guild online at anyone time, and its nice to have around 20 guildies online at any given time, with it rising to 40ish plus at peak periods.
I tend to only do things like that within the guild, although we have around 35/40 members, we need to get a few more in, feels like we a bit light at times.

Once the game is settled will find that you have roughly 25/35% of the guild online at anyone time, and its nice to have around 20 guildies online at any given time, with it rising to 40ish plus at peak periods.

Invite me yo.
I tend to only do things like that within the guild, although we have around 35/40 members, we need to get a few more in, feels like we a bit light at times.

Once the game is settled will find that you have roughly 25/35% of the guild online at anyone time, and its nice to have around 20 guildies online at any given time, with it rising to 40ish plus at peak periods.

I'll be heading over to join on Exiles tomorrow. Just got the last bar of xp to lvl 50 to do tonight on my Dominion Spellslinger before i do, was already in the 40's by the time i realized my mistake so thought i might as well get it there lol.
Warriors at level 50 in pvp... :eek: .. I'd have expected Stalkers to be my bane as an SS but it's the Warriors. They stick to you like glue.

Edit - OK some of them stick to you like glue. In the past few matches some seem to be wearing PvE gear, running around like headless chickens and die from Charged shot + assassinate alone lol. I'm guessing Rated Battlegrounds are also cross realm so PvE realms also play against you.
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Warriors at level 50 in pvp... :eek: .. I'd have expected Stalkers to be my bane as an SS but it's the Warriors. They stick to you like glue.

Edit - OK some of them stick to you like glue. In the past few matches some seem to be wearing PvE gear, running around like headless chickens and die from Charged shot + assassinate alone lol. I'm guessing Rated Battlegrounds are also cross realm so PvE realms also play against you.
All BG are cross realm
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