Wildstar New MMO (NCSoft and Carbine Studios)

Nem, I'm trying to register on your site but it's not giving me an activation email - essentially just get a white page once I've submitted my 'registration'.

(This is with Firefox btw)
Just pm username and email you would like to use and I will set up a account for you, we need a web admin that bloody fix the site! :mad:

Anyone playing dominion on Ravenous?
Yes we are The Immortals ...erm nope sorry we not :p ..we on the underdogs!!

I am, char name is Playtime. I'm looking for a guild if anyone is recruiting. I plan to level through BGs / PvP.
Same again, see our site or contact us in game.
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Just grabbed this as off the booze for 2 months :)

I see servers are heavily populated already so just gonna mess around for a week. Any 'newbie' tips?

Also when would i get buddy keys? A buddy wants to try it.

I am enjoying this more than any other mmo in years. The fact we can't just stand - select - press 1 2 3 4 5 etc rinse and repeat really makes a difference to me even though I've died because of my jumping around a few times.

The only criticism I have of the game is the quest/path system and the quest tracker. It can get a bit confusing as to what's what at times.
So, does everyone use the mouse to click skills or use the number keys? I struggle with keeping on the move when in combat. I think I need a mouse with buttons.
So, does everyone use the mouse to click skills or use the number keys? I struggle with keeping on the move when in combat. I think I need a mouse with buttons.

I usually use keyboard hotkeys for most skills and the 3 mouse thumb buttons for reactive ones like stuns in MMO's but i'm finding that i'm probably going to need to replace my g500 with an MMO mouse. I also can't comfortably use keybinds in this game and move effectively enough. Atm i have my spammy skills bound to the 3 thumb buttons which is working out better but it's not enough.
I use keyboard hotkeys and my two thumb buttons on my mouse.

I found it not so bad on the Spellslinger which i think you play but now i'm doing a warrior alt it's a whole other ballgame.

It's more of a problem in PvP really as you can just face tank everything while leveling to 50 anyway :p
Yeah I'm Spellslinger. I'm finding it fine so far, just have freeze and void slip on thumb buttons as they are pretty much my oh **** spells.
What does this description mean? Makes no sense to me, I hate being a noob all over again.

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