Wildstar New MMO (NCSoft and Carbine Studios)

It's like vanilla wow, in a good way. They have some good things put in, graphics are pretty slick, combat feels good... only issue for me is that there's A LOT going on but maybe that's just at lower level... I will be pre-ordering this bad boy!

Yes I am getting around 20-30 fps but it's beta...
The character I am playing is called Flour. If any of you need to ask any questions in game please feel free to send me a tell. I have been sat idling in game answering noobie questions in the advice channel for the last hour, it's great fun, while playing hearthstone with my friend and watching the telly, who says Men can't multitask!
Just had my first server crash/kick out since playing at 4pm.

I'm finding it ok, the graphics are better that I thought they would be from the screenshots. FPS usually between 30 -70.

Im not really 'getting' the lore, but I havent read up anything about the game before hand tbh.
  • i get average 30-40 fps on a 780
  • seems just like current wow improved slightly
  • melee are terrible in pvp so far

im getting the feeling it will just be another starwars , seems great in beta not so much when people hit end game
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I'm currently going through all the f2p mmos hoping one will hold my attention until this gets released, it isn't working :(
  • i get average 30-40 fps on a 780
  • seems just like current wow improved slightly
  • melee are terrible in pvp so far

im getting the feeling it will just be another starwars , seems great in beta not so much when people hit end game

Agree with the above poster, I just recently got one of my characters to 50, and there is already more to do in the beta end game then there was in Vanilla WoW's release!

Also the FPS is a none issue, they've specifically said they aren't looking to optimise this until late into the beta as they want to make sure that all the game systems are working correctly. Also it's perfectly playable at 30 - 40 fps.
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Agree with the above poster, I just recently got one of my characters to 50, and there is already more to do in the beta end game then there was in Vanilla WoW's release!

Also the FPS is a none issue, they've specifically said they aren't looking to optimise this until late into the beta as they want to make sure that all the game systems are working correctly. Also it's perfectly playable at 30 - 40 fps.

So how is the end game then...any idea on gear wise liek pvp/pve ?
aahh yeh good point sorry haha...keep forgetting lol.

I join wow in BC and now dont play wow as i am trying to find better games and i think this might just do it.
Wait, I've gone back through the thread a bit and there hasn't been a single person criticize the NDA? Are peoples double standards really that blatant on here? :eek:
I think the difference is that previous games with an NDA in force had one because the game sucked (ESO) people leaked information left right and centre.

Wildstar has one because they don't want to over hype the game because people that play it have nothing but good things to say about it. Yes even the end game :)
Wait, I've gone back through the thread a bit and there hasn't been a single person criticize the NDA? Are peoples double standards really that blatant on here? :eek:

lol I can understand where you are coming from, I think it's more due to the fact that Wildstar has been in a closed beta state with an accompanying NDA for the entire period.

With things like ESO (sorry only one I can remember having horrible NDA rules, for a VERY short beta) it was more due to the fact that they knew the product wasn't necessarily great and there was gonna be a selection of the people testing it who really disliked it.

Obviously the same can be said for Wildstar and there will be people that dislike it for their own reasons. But generally it's being built for those people that look back at WoW Vanilla/BC with nostalgia and wish for a similar experience.
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