Not sure if it would break NDA, but can somebody kind of give me some hints as what to do? I'm doing quests, but my god it is BORING, it's so horribly generic yet I hear a lot of people talking about how innovative the game is, and I've read around a lot on adventures and challenges but can't seem to find anything to do other than hyper generic MMO questing. I'm at the snowy place right off the ship, and I'm finding it very difficult to want to continue.
If NDA is that strict, you could always trust. I don't want to rite the game off tbh as what I've read sounds good, but it feels like all the good stuff is extremely well hidden under a lot of utter cack.
If NDA is that strict, you could always trust. I don't want to rite the game off tbh as what I've read sounds good, but it feels like all the good stuff is extremely well hidden under a lot of utter cack.