Wildstar New MMO (NCSoft and Carbine Studios)

So are the rumours true about reaching level 32 or your out of the beta?

Yep, also after Sunday its no longer a 24/6 beta there are dropping to 4 weekend betas. Which is just bat **** crazy, they should keep up the current schedule to ensure end game content is fully tested :eek:

Hi friends!

With a bittersweet sigh, I'm here to declare that Winter Beta will be ending on March 16th (which is probably good since Winter's almost over too). On the upside, though, the Pre-Order Beta will immediately follow this phase, and ANYONE is welcome to join us for it!

Here's the FULL explanation of what's actually going on starting on March 16th.
After March 16th, everyone is being removed from the Closed Beta. No exceptions.
On March 19th, if you pre-order the game your account will be reactivated to give you access to the four Beta Weekends we have coming up in March and April.
Pre-Order beta is no longer on the 24/6 schedule you're used to. Instead, we'll be running 4 beta weekend events between now and launch. The first weekend begins March 21st and runs through the 23rd. The full schedule's up on the pre-order site (but is subject to change, of course).
"Permanent" Winter Beta testers who have a level 32 or higher character on their account will also have their account reactivated so that we can continue to test high-level content between now and launch. You'll still need to pre-order if you want to receive all those goodies, though!

Stress Testers and Weekend Testers are ineligible for this opportunity, but are welcome to pre-order to continue playing their existing characters!

We're really excited to be moving into the next phase of beta, and we hope you'll join us as this Hype Train speeds towards the June 3rd launch of WildStar! Thanks so much for your help and support these past few months, and we'll see you again soon!

Big props to them dropping the NDA 3 months from launch though, just like a Co should do I might add ;)
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Looks like all preorderers can get into the 4 remaining weekend betas. Cool. For £35 I might just give it a go. If Elder Scrolls was £35 I would try that too but it is £40-£50.
Looking forward to snapping this up next week when it goes on pre-order, probably the digital deluxe version.

Whenever I played it on the beta weekends it felt very like the early days of WoW which I enjoyed thoroughly.
http://www.wildstar-online.com/en/the-game/business-model/ Read this.

You can pretty much buy game time for the ingame currency. So if you get into it and get good at it then you pretty much won't need to pay a subscription. But it'll take a bit of time to get to that point.

Heh, I quite like that idea, but unless the box price is like £20 tops or the sub is a fiver, then it's off putting. If they try to copy WoW's model to the T, they'll be f2p in a year. It'd be sweet if they innovated and gave a unique business model.

By that I do not mean;

£39.99 box price
£9.99 subscription
£20 server changes
£20 name changes
£20 race changes
£20 mounts

How on earth a certain other MMO gets away with it is beyond me. :D
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