Wildstar New MMO (NCSoft and Carbine Studios)

Yeah its up i just logged in. Game isnt gripping me though i kinda played for 5 minutes and logged off. Will try it again later maybe.

Not really liking the style of it, the silly cowboy npc and the way everyones head seems to flop to one side like they are 'special'
Not too sure I'm feeling this yet. Been playing all evening and it feels a bit too "familiar." Being burnt out on MMOs, familiar isn't a great feeling.

I'll keep at it to see if it improves.

I've also had around 8 crashes in a couple of hours of play (running a gtx 680, i7, 8 gb ram.)
I gave this a few hours last weekend. It didn't take long for the questing to get the better of me. I sat there for a bit staring at the screen and I just couldn't bring myself to do another "quest".

Just felt like more of the same to me. Still waiting for someone with balls to come along and do something exciting with the genre.
I gave this a few hours last weekend. It didn't take long for the questing to get the better of me. I sat there for a bit staring at the screen and I just couldn't bring myself to do another "quest".

Just felt like more of the same to me. Still waiting for someone with balls to come along and do something exciting with the genre.

yeah this is how I feel about logging in and trying for level 28........I just don't want to. Could always sell my account.
I've been playing this a bit more and my opinion of the game has improved.

I found the starter areas fairly awful and had to force my way through them, but once I got to the first zones, things picked up quite a bit.

The aesthetics of the game are nice and it feels very polished.

A negative for me is the questing. It felt fairly static and very standard MMO fare.

Overall, not a bad game and I think it will do well. I've no intention of picking this up when it goes live, but I might check up on it in the future.
Sorry for the incoming waffle but I've been meaning to post this for a while, but considering you can view all class skills here: http://www.wildstar-arkship.de/actionsetbuilder/en/ it's not much of something secret.

Now when you watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pnmlSU_nTi0
They make fun of abilities in other MMOs "Instant, Cast time, Channel - rinse repeat" like it's different in Wildstar (I'll get to that later).

There's also the argument between people about the limited action set, there are all types of arguments but the one I see most are

1: That you get to play how you want
2: It takes skill to pick the right ones
3: Less cookie cutter builds

Personally, I dislike it because of one simple reason, you are forced to go one route (3: cookie cutter), the choice playing how you want is not based off skills, but your class and role(1), and there's no skill involved because there only so few abilities you want and you -must- have them to be the best.(2)
Be the best? I know, not everyone cares; but you'll care when it matters.

Now, as an engineer for example you have two paths to choose, are you going to be DD or Tank? Let's go with DD.
Your abilities are classed as Assault, Support or Utility and your skills are based off how much Assault Power(AP) or Support Power(SP)you have.

So as a damage dealer, you do not want to use any of the skills in the support tree because they use support power and you'll be gaining items pumping up your assault power. You'll also see from the abilities in the support tree that there really isn't anything good for you.

You don't have to read the list below; but it basically shows you that as a damage dealer you really don't want to be using any of these skills as their effectiveness will be lower due to you having higher AP.

Bruiser Bot - For having a tiny bit extra damage, alright if you don't have skills to slot and want it to keep damage off you while you damage.
Hyper Wave - Support Damage and Taunt - Don't want this.
Flak Cannon - Support Damage and tanking buffs.
Give'em the Gas - AOE Dot based on support, debuff to enemy.
Bio Shell - Similar to above, but damage and reduce enemy defenses.
Feedback - Riposte like skill, support damage.
Ricochet - Tank Builder I believe.
Disruptive Module - Support damage and gives shield based on support amount.
Particle Ejector - Support damage spender
Thresher - Charged attack on support power.

Now, that's a whole 10 abilities lost from the "choose what you want" style of play, granted this is a cool thing if you decide to save tanking gear and swap out to one when you need to, but this is just dual spec, dual talents, whatever game has done it already.

As a damage dealer, what will we be using? Since we can only slot 8 skills:

1: Pulse Blast - Builder
2: Electrocute - Cheap Spender and Single Target DPS.
3: Quick Burst- Free Instant
4: Arty Bot - Free AOE/Damage
5: Energy Auger - Opener
6: Mortar Strike - Your big AOE spender.
7: Tactical Strike - Tag targets multiple times then unleashes damage.
8: (Utility) Zap - Everyone needs an interupt

The one's left over are:

Bolt Caster, Unstable Anomaly and Shock Pulse simply because their effective DPS for cost and over time was not worth it. But I understand abilities and such will change during the course of the game.

Remember instant, cast time, channel - from the video above?
Well engineer is pretty much this:

Pulse Blast (and/or Energy Auger) (Cast time) building power 3 times.
Electrocute (Channel) spending the power.
Quick Burst (Your instant on crit)

You will shove in arty bot for extra free DPS and your interupt now and again, you have your large aoe for team play and such and that's it, you don't need any more abilities for PVE or get any worth changing out for.
Cookie cutter right down to it's very core, it might change but there are only 3 more assault abilities and as for utility it's very selective and has more tank related things and mostly for what I can assume are only raids where you NEED certain abilities and for PVP.

I'm planning to play the game, but I can't get over how many people try to make the abilities and LAS sound like something it isn't. It's just like every other game but restrictive in how many you can use.
There are absolutely no flavour skills, mmos like wow/ao/swtor had tons of abilities, and the lack of "class buffs" are also a disappointment in many of todays mmos.
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Agree with almost everything you have said, but saying that I will still buy and play this game as large parts are just plain fun, though must say I struggled with the quests till level 21 on 2 toons and after 21 the game got better on both.

Also think wPvP looks brilliant if they don't change it.
I'm really hopeful for this game but I gotta agree with your sentiment about the way abilities are going to work.

I really don't like how most MMO's have gone to this idea of using just a few abilities, I like how with WoW you have lots of abilities to learn and take advantage of.

Yeah some are just fluff and filler and you only need a few fundamental abilities to play half decently, but if you want to take advantage of every little trick and ability you can be better by doing so.

GW2 really bored me in the end because I only have like 8 abilities or something to use, just feels so stripped back and simple. Especially in PVP situations.

Everything else looks great so i'm hoping WS combat will still be interesting because of the focus on telegraphs/movement etc.
I always prefered the EQ method of many abilities but only a certain amout useable at any given time (so you'll have have a set of say 30 abilities but you only have 8 memmed at any one time). It adds a layer of thought process into your gameplay imo.
wont you have more choice in skills than say GW2 though ?

Short answer, nope! :(
Although I totally forgot to mention ... forgot what they call it, talent points every level after 10.
But it's a no brainer which to pick when you're dps, support, tank or pvp.
Whats everyones favourite class so far?
Just got to level 32 on my Stalker so I know I keep my place in the beta for definite. Now going to try the others classes that iv only got to level 10 so far.
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