Wildstar New MMO (NCSoft and Carbine Studios)

Esper Healer

Warrior tank, might role a stalker tank. I think Warrior will be better though.

Will try engineer this weekend. Only class I've not tried.
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pre-ordered. Not sure what side to roll on when it eventually comes out. Historically I've always played the bad or less fluffy sides but I can't warm to the dominion races. I think i'll need to give them a go and see how they fit.
preordered the digital deluxe version from gmg , in case anyone has the same thing you have to setup the subscription stuff once you activate the cd key and if it says payment authorization failed even when it's £0 there should be a email confirming the recurring subscription has been done
Can't believe the kind of £ they want for this. :o :eek:

You mean the price of a normal video game? HOW VERY DARE THEY! :p
Unless you mean the subscription fee? In which case I feel it's probably the only MMO out there at the moment that justifies the sub fee so no issue for me :)

Played medic in beta but thinking I may go for an Esper healer after reading a few things about them, supposed to be a bit more of a dynamic healer, which is what I'm looking for.
Still undecided about which race to go, though its not really a big factor for me, will probably see what side the majority of people I know end up playing on.
I may be interested in this game if I can get it for less than £28. Anywhere available today or tomorrow at this price or less?
I have no interest in this game, but since I'm the OP, I will update the main page to include players names and servers their on if everyone wants that.

Just let me know about what things you want added to the OP and I'll add it.
God I can't wait for Saturday to play this game! Watched so many vids and stuff now, got it proper hyped in my mind, hope it lives up to it lol.

Got a works retirement party Friday evening so won't be able to play till Sat! Nooo :mad:
I'm basically giving it a go instead of giving ESO a go. I've played ESO a lot more than this and liked it more but feel that I didn't give this enough of a chance making it only to level 17 plus the price of an ESO key offends me.
Doing abit of a google on why my launcher was failing to connect, I found that a fair few people were having the same problem so thought I would put the method that worked for me here just incase one of you have the same issue.

We are aware of an issue where some players are receiving a “Failed to Connect to Patch Server” error message when attempting to install/update their game client. To resolve this issue, please try clearing your DNS cache. To do this, follow these steps:

1. Click “Start” and type in "cmd" without the quotes into the “Search programs and files” field. This should display the program “CMD” in the start menu.

2. Right-click on “CMD” in the “Start Menu” and select “Run as an Administrator.”

3. Enter the following command below and press enter: ipconfig /flushdns

This should clear your DNS cache. You may need to perform this command a few times.

If the issue persists, your ISP may be providing old DNS information as some ISPs take longer to update this information.
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