For some reason I thought you were a skinny little geek kidbetter pics are in the bodybuilders thread
Society is just more liberal and tolerant than it was 20-odd years ago. I really don't see what the issue is here. Apart from Justin Bieber is obviously going to turn everybody gay and destroy humankind.
Shall I trust you my dudesnude profile? You can see everything there
This is the downfall of civilization.Jesus what is this.
One of the most open and honest segments of a thread in ages. Hats off and jonnies on
Sent, and btw, you should definitely join. It's one of the best sites of 'that' nature I've used - lots of genuine people. I'm far from the best looking guy and receive dozens of messages every week! Looking at your bodybuilding pics you'll have plenty of funnever used that site but sure
Shall I trust you my dudesnude profile? You can see everything there
Now I've read this again I think I've realised what it actually meantShame on you! Now I've seen this site I've 'chosen' to be curious!
Now I've read this again I think I've realised what it actually meant
Well, curiosity never killed anyone. What has been seen etc.
Ohh OK, I didn't misread too much then. I thought it may have been a facetious joke about choosing to be gay etc.I was just having a bit of fun. I'm on the gay side of bi really.
ASL?Gayest thread ever!
Gayest thread ever!
Ohh OK, I didn't misread too much then. I thought it may have been a facetious joke about choosing to be gay etc.
But yeah, it's a really cool site. Much better than the usual suspects. Seems to have fewer annoying idiots on it!
Not ASL but I know some BSLASL?
Link too lazy to check myself?..For some reason I thought you were a skinny little geek kid
Sent, and btw, you should definitely join. It's one of the best sites of 'that' nature I've used - lots of genuine people. I'm far from the best looking guy and receive dozens of messages every week! Looking at your bodybuilding pics you'll have plenty of fun