Will we see an age of PC exclusives again?

Watch Valve release HL3 on PC, the master race lives again....

In all seriousness it might have a big effect but they would be idiots to ignore Xbox/PS4/Switch as well. But other than HL3 i think the boat has sailed for amazing PC only games that consoles dream of.
That game won't ever exist though :p half life franchise is dead.
Valve don't make games anymore. At least any games that aren't card games and hats for TF2 that is. There's been rumours since about 2014 for L4D3 never mind HL3 and nothing has come out. I firmly believe Valve and Gabe have simply given up on them both and are happy to ride the cash cow that is Steam.
I keep hearing people say about consoles holding back pc and thinking how so?

The consoles are pretty much PCs in shiny boxes with a bluray drive.

From what I read as well a lot of competent AAA devs create the best quality assets that they can and then downgrade them for the consoles. Just look at the last of us on PS3 and how that looked when ported to the PS4 a year later. Same with GTA V.

Some one mentioned Star citizen and that it cant be done on consoles.
Whys that? Star citizen supposedly isn't optimised for high end PCs and in my opinion I have seen a lot better games. It could easily run on a ps4 or xbox one with some optimisations. Look at PUBG thats come to xbox and I know plenty of people who are having fun with it and ive read comments that a game like that wouldn't work on a console. 3 (or is it 4) million copies later its working and selling in droves.

Look at the size of game worlds in games such as the witcher 3 and assassins creed origins. Perfectly playable on consoles with lower quality settings and a lower frame rate.

There is nothing that is on the pc or will ever be on the PC that cannot be on a console. 10 years ago sure but nowadays nope.

Consoles arnt killing innovation period. There are plenty of games out there which push the boundaries in many ways. If you want to talk about whats killing innovation then look at EA, Activision Square enix etc. All companies who are sitting on a mountain of IPs that they have effectively killed because they didn't sell Call of duty or Fifa numbers
Unless the hugely inflated prices of GPU's come down along with RAM and CPU's then I would say PC gaming is more likely on it's way out right now, it is being priced out the market.
Sadly no, but as the hardware has moved closer it means PC will less likely miss out on console games. The main problem is the simplified control system of consoles. Consoles desperately need a better control system.

Indie development is the only area that might be PC exclusive, Steam green light stuff and mods.
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