Poll: Will YOU be buying the iPhone 3G[s]?

Will you purchase the iPhone 3G[s] on June 19th?

  • Yes

    Votes: 102 21.6%
  • No

    Votes: 283 60.0%
  • Unsure

    Votes: 87 18.4%

  • Total voters
Well I looked into it and decided that if I bought a PAYG now, I can sell my 16Gb 3G on eBay, move my contract SIM into the new device and then in a years time when the next new model comes out I can just rinse and repeat and I won't be tied into any fixed length contract, rather I'll just be rolling on each month.

I like to think I pioneered that idea :cool:

I won't be getting a 3G though, I just can't afford to drop a monkey at the moment and my 3G is scratched to hell.
I'm not sure, the boss and I had worked that out in the car on the morning following WWDC. There then followed much wailing and gnashing of teeth and various states of "Nah, I'm not getting one" *pause* "Actually, I think I will" *pause* "Too expensive" *pause* "stuff it, I'll get one" etc etc etc :D
Going to get a 32gb PAYG at the weekend. Reckon anywhere has them in stock?
I don't like being tied into a contract, particularly for a phone. I like to be able to spend money as I need it and as I use the phone - not a fee per month regardless of whether I've never been off it or never touched it.

It leaves you free to upgrade at any time and you don't have the mess and whinging that comes with buying out the contract. The setup I have is £15 p/m with free texts and calls to 02 numbers - I end up building up a huge stack of money with the monthly £15 input and I can then go a few months without putting any money in the phone at all.

Obviously if you have people on differing networks then it complicates the situation further but even then I would opt for PAYG. The initial outlay is quite steep and the reason I won't be getting a 3G S 32GB but ultimately it's worth it in my opinion.
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