Willing to teach Python for free

2 Nov 2005
I am an open source programmer and I have a lack of friends that can help me out with my programming projects for many reasons (too busy, not interested or just not into programming etc).

Some projects can be rather large and can take a very long time to complete on my own, and I do this as a hobby (although I am doing a Software Engineering degree!). They cover a wide variety of skills including networking, web programming (model, view, controller), gui design, game programming and more.

I am looking for someone that likes or wants to do programming in their spare time, they can be a complete beginner or wanting to learn another language. I will teach them everything they need to know. I have been programming in many different languages since I was in primary school, and I am 25 now!

Edit: actually helping me with a project is optional, i just love teaching!
Edit 2: It is an ideal language for beginners :).
Edit 3: No, I will not teach you C/C++/Java/C#/PHP, at least until you have figured out python first :P I do know them though.
Edit 4: Perhaps people that know python already can help out too?
Edit 5: There is always room for more people, We have group chat sessions and there are others that I have taught python to already.

Any volunteers?
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I think I'd be interested in this too :)

Seriously? If so, Will need some sort of instant messaging (perhaps can exchange in trust?).. how much spare time you have?

Python is capable of doing many of the things that other languages can do. Just google something like "why use python".
a lot of businesses are using python nowadays too!
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Maybe you could start a Python workshop on the forum like they did on Gamedev with C++, you pick a book and everyone works through it and then make up exercises at the end of each chapter and help out anyone that's stuck. Just an idea :)


I am aiming to teach one on one since it makes teaching and teamwork a whole lot easier. Nice idea though! I didn't personally learn from books. I learnt mainly from reading documentation, learning from mistakes and writing lots of code.
Once I have tought someone, they can pass knowledge onto other people too. If I had someone to teach me when I was starting out, I would have made a lot less mistakes and spent less time rewriting code.

Also, teaching is not my only goal, I want to get people to contribute to open source more. If you write some code, release it on github or something.
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I'd like this, I've been trying to get in to Python and have done a few tutorials, messed around with some code etc. but I find having someone explain things a little easier. :)

I sent you email in trust :)

Also really nice to hear that python is getting into schools :) I think college I went to did visual basic (yuck)
I have had a couple of replys in trust :) If anyone interested just mail me there.. perhaps I could teach a few at once or something.

Edit: Sent out some more trust emails in response to some of the above posts :)
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I'd be willing to learn it, never even touched coding though if that would be an issue, Always wanted to learn some sort of code just to know its possible for me :)

Its ok, I'm teaching someone that doesn't even know how to code HTML or CSS :)
I will send you mail in trust.

edit: Oh dear, says you haven't set up your trust account :S
Definitely interested still, I use MSN a lot - please contact me through Trust :)

Done, I wasn't too sure if you meant it when you first replied.

Might have to try and get a few in one instant messaging conversation :)

Some are complete beginners and others have previous experience, so you will all be teaching eachother a thing or two aswell.
I'd be interested in a programming buddy (:p), although at the moment somebody to answer my probably stupid OpenGL (and occasionally Dreamcast) related queries would be more helpful.

Email sent via trust :)

3D programming is the only place my programming skills really lack. Perhaps you could teach me a few things on that front!
I usually use 2D when I am writing games for that reason. I have plans to learn some GL :)
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Are you only looking for someone to teach or are you accepting others who are able to help with your open source projects? I just finished my second year of Computing Science and I would gladly lend a hand to get some project experience.

I would like a hand writing some open source code, I have a project with ~7000 lines of code that I have written over a few years.. Ive gotten pretty far into it, just needs a nice pretty gui client and a lot of spit and polish. I have other project ideas also :)

At the same time I am teaching some people from this thread python so that they can help out if they want to :) I'm having fun teaching them anyway so I don't mind if they don't wanna help out with my open source project. I very much enjoy helping people :)

I am still accepting people, not everyone that has replied has fully followed it up :)

I shall send you my contact details.
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I am interested, but how exactly are you teaching people? Just over an IM or something? I have basic c++ knowledge but thats about it. I work 10-6, but if these aren't problems I'd be interested.

Yup, using skype, msn, all sorts. Its no problem, I will send you the details via trust. Send me a IM to let me know you want to have a session :)
Okay, I added you on google chat. What project are you working on? Are you using github/sourceforge?

Ok cool, I think I got a skype request from you too, and I accepted it!

It is like a database of python games, but its probably better described as Steam but for open source python games :) Downloads game and dependencies, extracts and runs the game with a couple of clicks.

It has a website (Python Web App) as its backend and a Python GUI application as its frontend.
Backend code is about 75% done (and it works but quite rudimentary) and GUI frontend is about 25%.

I use Ubuntu's Launchpad, which in turn uses Bazaar as its Distributed revision control :) It runs on windows and mac too.

I have a few other project ideas too if everyone doesn't like it and wants to do something different :)
For the time being I am focusing on teaching everyone! If they want to work on a project with me then thats a bonus :)
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Holy! this thread still going?

I am accepting more folks. a lot of them have stopped accepting help due to them being too busy.
Only have one guy that I actaully spend time teaching, he has become quite a good programmer thanks to my help.

I feel that I can easily teach a few more, so I shall be sending out contact info again (assuming more folks reply to this thread)!
Feel free to message me in trust.

Hey it seems your pretty busy :P but if you got room for another i would love to learn. im about to start studying computer science starting on the 26th and tryed to learn some python and java.

Please configure your trust account.
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Sorry Rich I've been so busy with the new job recently that I just haven't had the time to sit down and have some 'me' time, not to mention that a lot of my stuff is packed away at the moment. Definitely still interested so will be in touch with you on MSN soon.

Cheers, its not just you, a lot of people work long hours and have little time for it. The one guy I do teach frequently is a college student, so no problem for him.
It has helped him a lot with his visual basic classes at college :D
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