Willing to teach Python for free

Rich, I don't think I ever got an e-mail from you... sorry if I missed it, but I don't see one - it's unlikely I'd have deleted it.. is it too late to get in on this now?

I sent you another mail in trust, and you should find info you need in my trust!
Edit: not too late :)

Also +1 for the Euler problems :) My dad does them. You do need to be mathematically minded though.

Hi Rich

Room for one more? Been teaching myself PHP recently and feel ready to expand a bit. Only working three days a week at the moment so have plenty of time.

E-mail in trust.


Mail sent.
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If it is not too late I would love the opportunity to learn Python.

I have never done any thing like this before but have been looking at code recently.

Sure you sound like a good candidate. All is required is some dedication :)
shall send info.

edit: email sent
edit: sent to wrong email, fixed, should have it now.
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Same as dandos23 really, and I am local :) :p

Also have my own dedicated server ;)

Awsome! I could teach you in person if you like! I have sent details to your trust email and added you to my msn.

I would also love to know if you are still erm, teaching people?

At college doing computing atm, but still have plenty of spare time, it is only college after all.

If so, could you send some more info please.


Nice, I have a another student that is doing computing and it has helped him a lot. He is so much better than the other students in his class. I have sent details to your trust also.

Edit: Swift has been a good student :) Cheers!
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Added to MSN. I haven't got skype/google talk installed. :)
Seems to of worked! :)

Wouldn't mind being involved in this if its still possible? Never touched python before, working in finance so development skills are wearing away fast, wouldn't mind getting them sharper than they ever were!

Sure, I will help.
I sent my details to your email via trust. I also (attempted) to add your msn address to my MSN. :)
I am also interested in learning some python. I dont use msn is it essential?

Sort of, I use Skype, MSN, Google Talk, Facebook Chat, and others if need arises. I use Instant Messaging because it vastly speeds up teaching, Some sort of voice chat will work too :)

I couldn't send you my details via trust since your trust account is not set up :( Put in a reply when you get it sorted. (Click your trust button)

I don't need any help with python, but might be interested in helping out with your projects - trust me with some links or info :)

I have sent you my details and some brief information about the project I am working on, will tell you more over instant messaging. It is open source.
Hey Rich, I'd love to learn Python if you've got room for another student.

The nature of teaching (Once I have taught, the knowledge sticks with all my students) which means that there is always room for more!

We are having group chats at the moment and you will make friends with other people and not just me :)

There is one student in particular that has become rather proficient and can also answer questions.

I have sent email to trust anyway :)

I really should have a bash at learning Python.

The path my career is going down means I really could do with knowing a language to knock some little things up in and Python seems to be popular with others.

Email sent via trust, add me to instant messaging. See above!
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Hi Rich, interested in learning Pascal if your still offering to teach?
Added you on Skype & msn. Attempted to learn Pascal a few years back at college which didnt go too well as I hated the language.
Looking to learn something useful in spare time.


Do you mean Python? Python is a much nicer language to learn than Pascal :)

I would be happy to teach it to you, I see you have added me on Skype.
I have had huge success with my previous students and I will introduce one or two of them to you also.
Hi Rich,

Are you still doing these teaching sessions in groups? Would love to drop in if possible :) started learning VB as part of my computing course in Sixth Form some years ago, but due to lesson conflicts with Performing Arts rehearsals I missed out a lot of critical lessons and didn't end up getting along too well with the language (some of the lessons were exam related so the teacher wasn't allowed to repeat them or give handouts regarding them). Have always wanted to get back into programming since (went to the library and borrowed every C/C++/Java book I could find but they were all written in the 90s so most of the language was outdated or not functioning the same way), but haven't found a good place to start over again.

Add me to some sort of instant messaging and I can get you started, I have taught people from literally no knowledge of programming.

Click my Trust (button below this message) to get my Skype username etc. I can do them in a group if another student is online at same time.

Edit: I found your MSN in your trust and added it.
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I'd be interested in this too if you're still willing to take students on. I'm currently unemployed so i have a lot of free time and I recently deciding to try and learn a new skill. You can see the thread here if you wish.

I should warn you though that i have absolutely no programming experience/knowledge whatsoever.

Can you add me to Skype? Username: richie43
I am good at teaching beginners, Its all just basic logic really.
I am also unemployed, perhaps we could work on a business :)

Edit: Aswell as adding me to Skype, have a stab at Phase Two and Three on my other thread: http://forums.overclockers.co.uk/showthread.php?t=18383545
I can fill in any blanks and carry on from there.
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Sorry Rich mate yeah my mistake, attempted to learn Pascal but didnt really get into it seems as though it was a dead language at the time never mine now!
But yeah hopefully see you on Skype and you can point me in the right direction for learning Python.


I'm on Skype now, just spotted Goose on my contact list :)
Is this still free or do you charge now ;)?

Would be interested, being a complete newb to programming though I wouldn't understand much, but I work with HTML5/CSS3 for my Uni course so that might help me a little.

Are you fully booked or have you got a spare spot for a new-comer?

Thanks :)

Lovely idea btw!

I can fit you in, Add me on Skype: richie43
Should be a doddle for you since you go Uni.
If you want to use another communication medium, let me know.
I've not used it for a while, but can easily install it :)

I've not read the whole thread, but what kinda times are you thinking of running it?

And when we pass, do we get some gold stars? :D

You get to run a evil empire with me and take over the world with our source codes!!!111

What instant messaging are people using these days?
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