i haven't got any codes at all yet
Did you trust message 5UB?
did u receive a NSR code from 5UB?i haven't got any codes at all yet
got all mine still no crysis 3 key yet will give it till monday then email .
I haven't received my crysis 3 key toogot all mine still no crysis 3 key yet will give it till monday then email .
At this time, I am not aware of any issues with Crysis 3 game-keys. The game was released a while ago, so you should have received the key in the e-mail.
Please contact the AMD4U Support Team. E-mail address is [email protected]
I haven't received my crysis 3 key too
but I asked Marc@AMD on amd forum and he said we should have had the code in the email..
so I don't know what's happening.
also VK. told me we'll get Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon too
about whatYou pulling my leg XD
Crysis 3 - EA Origin download
We will be sending you a download code for Crysis 3 as soon as the code is available. You will receive a follow up email that contains a game key that will grant you access to this amazing PC game.
Crysis 3 release date is on or before February 19, 2013*
(actual release date will vary by country)
http://forums.amd.com/game/messagev...164420&STARTPAGE=17&FTVAR_FORUMVIEWTMP=LinearApparently from what I can tell the Crysis key takes a while longer google brings this:
So I assume if you hang tight it'll come through ^^