oh yay i entered this, one of these would be great because my 7970xfire can be a touch loud
Could I go quadfire with 3 pcie 3.0 slots?
I know you can go tri-fire with 7990 and 7970, but I'm not sure about quadfire with 7990 and 2x 7970s, but I don't see a reason why it shouldn't work, provided you have the connectors for it.
Well if the draw has taken place and OcUK are in the process of contacting the winner....I doubt it's me, as none of the mods for this section of the forum have viewed my profile page :(

But, I would like to be the first to congratulate the winner....whom ever he or she is :)
Praying to the old gods and the new and the lord of light but know it ain't gonna be me!

Kudos to anyone who gets the reference
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Just imagining (once again) what i'd do with a card like this...

Think it would definitely mean an upgrade to a 27" 2560x1440 or 1600, depending upon what monitors OcUK have.
I already have a 2560x1440 monitor coming tomorrow, my 5870 is going to explode.

Ohh nice, I really want one, but i bought a 120hz samsung less than a year ago, also im worried about gaming performance i guess.

Although maybe you could just scale down any high end games back to 1920x1080 if you were having trouble.

GL with yours :D
Cheers, the one I have ordered uses a Samsung PLS panel and generally overclocks to 100-120Hz depending on the screen.

I'll post pics and opinions when it comes, but for £207 I doubt I'll have many complaints!
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