Are you using IE? Try firefox.
Yep that's usually the point of competitionsI have seen links to this competition elsewhere, moneysavingexpert for one, so the odd's of a forum member winning this are perhaps not as good as I first thought.
Apparently anyone can enter and have, I thought it was exclusive to ocuk thats all.
So that's right, you are reading it correctly. We are giving away a power house of a graphics card thanks to AMD and ASUS at the value of £1199.
The graphics card is powered by a dual 7970 making this the fastest dual GPU graphics card on the planet. A gamers dream, and this could be yours.
We will also be introducing a member of AMD onto our forums very shortly as a go-to guy when you have questions regarding AMD products, and this will be very handy for you guys!
Typically yes.Is it?
The point is your led to believe its exclusive to OcUK and it appears it is not, if it isn't fine but then it shouldn't be promoted as exclusive.
Hmm no actual bs question?
Are you sure this is a competetion?
Looks more like a lottery to me.
Have you applied to the lottery commision to run such an event
Hehe, entered.
GD is a cesspool of illiterate retards, but it doesn't say that on the subtitle.