So here I am, utilising the RTX 2070 Gaming System that I bought from Overclockers

And then I here they're giving away an RTX. I love giving reviews and hopefully my share can give you an insight on the new RTX Quake II.
So far, as I already own the full game I have experience nothing but pleasure, playing Quake in all it's series. But... I have never had an experience like this one.
The graphics for a game like Quake has never mattered to me as the game play makes up for it but again, I am speechless on what Ray-tracing has done to change this oldschool classic.
My FPS has always been above 60, movement smooth as ever and the experience in general has been overwhelmingly good!
As far as I was concerned, I thought RTX would only be viable on newer games which utilise ray tracing but I've literally never thought it would change Quake II as much as it has.
It's brought back some memories from being a 6 year old playing quake II for the first time.
I think this picture will explain very clearly how I feel right now!