Win! Corsair K70 RBG Keyboard, M65 RGB Gaming Mouse or MM200 Gaming pad in a typing competition vs m

Anything need to be done to sign up for this, or is it just "turn up when it's happening"?

At the moment in rules it's

- sign up to type racer
- sign up to forums

turn up and play, i'm just figuring logistics to make it fair because it's only one link I provide and don't want the situation where it will always be rammed and uncontrollable.
:( Highest I can get is 100 with this crappy keyboard, possibly 105 with a good one - doesn't look like I'll get anywhere on this
This is tough, but I do like comps that require skill, rather than something like;

What is a keyboard used for:
A) Typing
B) Fishing
C) Snowboarding


Clearly C :confused:

But yeah that's slightly higher than mine :D

e; Yeah I'm workign in at like 90, yeahno I wont bother entering :D

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I seem to be far faster typing something I want to put across like an opinion, but when it comes to reading and typing it on screen I get a bit slower
Yeah due to the amount of people that turned up there were 6 races IIRC, there were around 20 people entered into the prize draw.
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