If you have just upgraded to win 10 creators latest update and don't use a xbox, in services theres a new one XBOX LIVE NETWORKING SERVICE is running set it to manual and click stop them Disable.
There's 5 xbox services you can only disable 4[set service to manual and click stop them Disable]except Xbox Game Monitoring see below.
How to disable Xbox Game Monitoring-
Go to run enter-regedit hit enter> click each of the following-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE>SYSTEM>CurrentControlSet>Services>xbgm then Right-click[Start REG_DWORD] in the right-side pane of the window>Click Modify>Type 4>Click OK,The default is 3.
The Xbox Game Monitoring service will now be disabled, to re-enable simply repeat the steps, but change 4 back to 3.