Windows 10 Full Creator Update - Huge Gain

I haven't managed to get on and test Fall update with nVidia on Ryzen yet, won't be able to until Sunday maybe. Has anyone got a spare few hours to give some feedback?
I haven't managed to get on and test Fall update with nVidia on Ryzen yet, won't be able to until Sunday maybe. Has anyone got a spare few hours to give some feedback?
maybe tonight, (1080ti+1800x @ 4.0ghz) could do shadow of war bench before/after with game mode off.

to see its the OS or game mode
Well ages ago, Microsoft did say that the update could give us like
creators update is the biggest joke ive seen in win 10.broke so many things.would choke them personally.
Whats broke in it, only came a few days ago, is there any major problems ? i mainly only use for gaming, but have deferred update for now.
so much crap on W10 with games installed, facebook apps, skype, xbox etc.

I dont want none of this and just want a Bare OS.

i remember why i stuck with 7 now.....
Very anecdotal, but this update made BF1 playable for me. Before the update stutter was very common with bad frame-times and very inconsistent FPS (regularly below 60). After it, I'm averaging 85+ fps with high settings.

i5 3570k @ 4.2ghz/8GB DDR3 1600mhz/GTX 1070.
so much crap on W10 with games installed, facebook apps, skype, xbox etc.

I dont want none of this and just want a Bare OS.

i remember why i stuck with 7 now.....

Yup. At the very least MS needs to start making very different versions of the OS now - personally I'd happily pay a bit extra for the "professional" edition of the OS if it actually made a lot of this **** optional and default to not installed. Don't care if its not the case for the home edition if there is a version that allows you proper control over it without having to resort to 4rd party programs and scripts to remove it which will likely need updating after every major update :s
Yup. At the very least MS needs to start making very different versions of the OS now - personally I'd happily pay a bit extra for the "professional" edition of the OS if it actually made a lot of this **** optional and default to not installed. Don't care if its not the case for the home edition if there is a version that allows you proper control over it without having to resort to 4rd party programs and scripts to remove it which will likely need updating after every major update :s

This is one of my major gripes. Everytime there is a big update it seems like everything needs a compatability patch to make it work correctly and it reinstalls all the bloat again. I really wish they would just release a final version and then just bug fix and patch vulnerabilities as neccesary . This is must be about the 4th major update.
There is a powershell command you can use that will remove all of the windows 10 bloatware, including the windows store. I use it everytime i reinstall.

I will give that a try, cheers.

Yup. At the very least MS needs to start making very different versions of the OS now - personally I'd happily pay a bit extra for the "professional" edition of the OS if it actually made a lot of this **** optional and default to not installed. Don't care if its not the case for the home edition if there is a version that allows you proper control over it without having to resort to 4rd party programs and scripts to remove it which will likely need updating after every major update :s

I would have to agree, Would love to get a version of W10 without all the crap bundled in to it and just the bare OS even if it did cost more. W10 has gone down the same route as a new computer pre loaded with crap from HP\Dell. Just hassle having to remove the pre installed stuff every install.

is it possiblt to create your own W10 OS and remove all this crap?

I used to use Nlite for W7 to automate parts of the install
so much crap on W10 with games installed, facebook apps, skype, xbox etc.

I dont want none of this and just want a Bare OS.

i remember why i stuck with 7 now.....

You stuck with Windows 7 because you you're too stubborn to just remove the bloatware?
You stuck with Windows 7 because you you're too stubborn to just remove the bloatware?

I originally stuck to 7 as i had 9 year old hardware which had issues on W10 and as i needed a OS re install I thought i would give 10 another go after the new update was applied to the media craation tool.

I'm not too suborn to remove it but its just another thing you have to do after W10 gets a big update and they get re installed or it decides that the features I have disabled should be enabled.

If there was a clean OS version of W10 and one that had more control of settings I would like it a lot more. I like to be on control of my PC which W10 seems to slowly but surely taking away from users
ANti cheat stuff sounds interesting, assuming it works and devs take advantage of it!

Problem is I doubt they will put the ongoing resources and support into it to stay ahead of the cheat creators and I wouldn't be surprised if it turns out in the long term there is some security vulnerability with it.
The problem I had with this Creator's Update is that it had 70-80 Windows processes running in the background, which caused my laptop fan to be permanently on slightly. :confused: On the previous Windows 10 version which I'm now back on, there are only 30 running.
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