Windows 10 - Search Broken - Blank Window

Anyone else having Cortana issues? Mines completely gone!



Coincidence? I've also started getting Focus Assist messages this week...
This is why I prefer
A search tool
That's not part of the operating system
I use a small free program
Called everything by void tools i
Think it is

I use both as one finds stuff the other can't and vice versa. MS search is only set to search local files on mine and that doesn't seem to be affected by this bug (have no interest in MS spam via Bing)
I use both as one finds stuff the other can't and vice versa. MS search is only set to search local files on mine and that doesn't seem to be affected by this bug (have no interest in MS spam via Bing)
Yeah I only search local files too
I like that everything
Can be set to search all my
Drives if required or omit some
as running 6
Drives plus an external
Plus a large flash drive
Searching them all in one place
Is convenient
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