Windows 10

Man of Honour
11 Mar 2004
Nope that's not a miss type.
New windows is windows 10

Windows 10 technical preview available tomorrow for desktops and laptops.

Consumer side will be shown off at Build 2015

Release date later in 2015- no pricing/upgrade info yet

  • built from the ground up for a mobile-first cloud-first world
  • one app store
  • resizable and title bar modern apps
  • Start menu is back
  • improved search
  • windows 7 snap view works with both classic and modern apps
  • new task view button, that will show all open apps (OS X's Expose)
  • snap assist where you can grab apps from multiple desktops
  • improved cmd prompted, now allows ctrl+v (looks identical though)
  • left swipe in on touch devices, is now replaced with task view
  • two in one devices start screen
  • charm bar is staying but will evolve, no new style yet though.

Q: Can you talk about the name? Seems weird going from Windows 8 to Windows 10.
A: This product, when you see the product in your fullness I think you'll agree with us that it's a more appropriate name.

Q: You mentioned screens ranging from 4 inches to 80 inches. Is Windows 10 the next version of the phone operating system too?
A: Yes

Part of the reason we organized the way we did, is there will be champions of every device type. It was intentional to put together the PC, tablet, phone. Similar capabilities, but at the end they differ.

You're likely to be an owner of both devices. The real rub comes in the middle... convertible devices. There's a lot of magic in the devices that can be a great laptop and also flexes to be a tablet.

We also have a core team that builds common technology that's shared across all devices.

Q: Are you guaranteeing yet that all apps built for Windows Store will work on this?
A: We're committed to keeping those apps running.
A: We're building Windows 10 to support the apps that are out there already.

Q: What happens to ARM-based Surfaces?
A: Our general intent is to make this available as an update for the vast majority of devices.
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Anyone noticed this is a technical preview, we've never had one of them before. That's before developer preview. they'll have to work some, if April release is true.
Without desktop, but they've shown no device with it themselves (Which they should have tbh).

Oh well, I'm probably going to jump to an X86 tablet.

There's what looks like an 8" tablet with the start screen showing. rather than desktop like in the bigger tablets shown
Got to say I'm happy with what I've seen, more customisation for those that want it.
Like the look if the new task view rather than a small black bar showing apps.

Seems all the windows family will be much more together.
And that's it. They now get to play, and we'll get to play tomorrow.
I hope their won't be any driver issues with laptop. Wonder what time it'll be available,
I think that was their plan with Win8 to bring it all together,obviously with Win10,11 etc they can improve on that aspect.

It was there plan all along. I'm just a bit surprised by the level of integration they stated. Will have to wait for actual details, as they were still talking about sharing cores, rather than one actual product.
I was expecting a bit more really.

I feel a little bit let down about the future with tablets/laptops at the moment, hopefully there's some actually substance released. :(

Well people were expecting end of year-April release, so were expecting more. Now we know that isn't even close to actual launch date it's no surprise. Have to wait for build for more of the juicy info.

They've done this as they want a large insider project to help steer development.
With Surface 2 RT coming up a year old, and at a lowered price. Windows 9 not due for ages. New devices coming out from competitors, Surface 2 Pro hard to find. It's obviously not a good sign there's no new Surface.

be interesting how cherry trail competes with s805. Isn't it meant to be out about now.
They still need a cheap decent tablet, which rt does very well. With atoms tablets being under specked and over priced.
Be interesting what they do as it's now all an odd time line for releases. Pro 3 was June, surface 2 was almost a year ago. Surely they can't not release new devices till win10, but at the same time, the release dates are now all screwed, even for the pro Broadwell will have been out almost a year by the time we see win10.
Just noticed there's 10 devices on the poster thing, wonder if that will be the marketing for the 10 name. Developer board through phones, tablets, laptops, desktops, huge TVs.
Same OS across desktop and tablet? Doesn't bode well.

Edit. Maybe not? 2 modes?

customization you can have start menu or start screen and other personalisation settings. It'll detect what it's running on and set it up for that, although you can change it.
I heard 8.1 users get free upgrades and 7 will be £30, apparently Microsoft want people off older versions.


I wouldn't pay any notice to this, it doesn't even sound like MS has decided yet? They said in the press conference no pricing had been decided yet.
Brave especially considering it's far from final and expires in April 2015,I'm debating dual booting my old Linux PC with a preview build of Win10 which has to be 32 bit since that PC won't install even Win8.1 x64 bit due to being old Athlon 64 bit dual core CPU.

I've done it since vista days.
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