To progress you have to change and it certainly isn't "bullying" unless you have a penchant for the dramatic.Microsoft set out to change their UI to ring touch friendly, it was widely criticised before the release and after, theyd pushed touch friendlyness over desktop friendlyness. People were using start8 etc to make it as functional as Win 7. All the functionality is in windows 8 to have the start menu type UI but Microsoft deliberately didn't allow this to be used natively. They strong armed their new UI with windows 8 despite objections and now it seems the suits have got involved to sort things out. Call it bullying or whatever you would prefer, it was a bad decision.
The touch based changes to the world of IT are seismic in scale, similar to the introduction and general use of the internet and online culture in the late 90s. You only have to look at the recent PC sales figures to see how touch based devices are increasing in market share at the expense of old desktop PCs whose sales figure continue to rapidly decline.
Windows 7 is no longer an OS capable of embracing the changes that are the future of Personal Computers, like it or not. MS has to evolve windows and take it's user base with it or simply not be relevant other than to a few luddites in 10 years time.
If you can make Windows 8 work like Windows 7 then you may as well have stuck with Windows 7. Much like Vista an OS has to take a popularity hit to change things. Vista changed the security and driver models amongst other things for the better and people didn't like it because they don't like change and it stopped 5 year old ropey drivers for scanners and printer working. Other than for some fine tuning around things like UAC Vista was a very good OS and moved the platform forward. If Windows 7 had have been released instead of Vista at the same time it would have had the same bad name for the same reasons.
People were dragged kicking and screaming forward and even now here there are some who refuse to move on from XP. If you look back to the old days of XP though and compare it to now, when was the last time you saw a Blue Screen of Death or mass virus outbreak, because they were pretty common before Vista.
Windows needs to change and evolve, those that don't want to change can stay on 7 with no problem, it's a fine OS. It'd be a shame if MS back tracked now, the platform needs to evolve, it's what technology is all about, fine tune the new experience, sure, but it needs to keep moving forward or end up an irrelevance eventually. If you let people turn 8 back into 7 you end up stuck in the past and new OS options will quickly overtake you as a significant number of people will take the path of least resistance and decide not to learn new skills. Look what happened with IE, it stopped changing and innovating and lost market share from 90%+ to 50% in a very few years because of the same "don't change anything it works fine just tinker at the edges" philosophy. The same happened to numerous technology giants, WordPerfect, Lotus 123, Netware, all of whom had 90%+ market share and all faded into insignificance in a few years because they couldn't, or were scared to change at the risk of upsetting their installed base.
If W8 works for you then great, if it doesn't stick with 7 but make no mistake, 8 and it successors are the future, the desktop as it is in W7 is the past and be it 5 or 10 years it's going away because technology and computing is changing and a 18 years old UI just doesn't cut it any more.
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