Unless they force people to upgrade to providing some killer feature, I am happy with Windows 7 Pro. Gaming performance is equal somewhat across the board with Windows 7 pulling slightly ahead so there really is not a good reason for gamers to upgrade.
Unless they force people to upgrade to providing some killer feature, I am happy with Windows 7 Pro. Gaming performance is equal somewhat across the board with Windows 7 pulling slightly ahead so there really is not a good reason for gamers to upgrade.

This totally agree!

Microsoft don't care anymore about gaming pc. They only interesting in tablets, phone etc.
These don't work any more. Microsoft had stopped it now. You won't recieved email now.

I've seen your username on multiple posts for about 3 minutes, and every post you've made has been sensationalist or misinformation. Please think about what you type :-)
I have to disagree. Windows 8 is better than 7 it builds on what was good and improves it. It also costs less than a few cars in Forza or a map pack for BF3 and for the true gaming Geek gives hours of fiddle time..

Well worth the upgrade if you ask me.....
I don't think windows 8 is a good prospect for desktop pc's. It looks like it will only ever work well for tablets & phones. I hope windows 7 support will be around for many years to come as it's my O.S of choice.
I just upgraded without really looking into it, I thought for £25 you can't go wrong. But I'm like a lost soul.

There's not even a start menu. I can't find an easy way to change your default installation folder.

On the positive, I didn't think I would ever say this but IE is working well so far.
Is this version a TIC or a TOC ? I remember buying XP which was brilliant, then Vista which was crap like WindowsMe.....

another question, will the upgrade version allow a clean install just like Windowz 7 ???

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