I miss one thing is no gadgets in Windows 8 :(

Wrong, so much miss information :/

Personally like ...no Love the new multi screen support! Love 7-9 sec boot time! Love how my settings/bookmarks/backgrounds appear on my other PC when logging in with the same account.

There are so many advances in this OS yet ppl complain about trivial thing such as:
1. There's no start screen!? (Yes there is, it looks a bit different and is very modernised, push your windows key!)
2. I don't want to use apps!!! (You have been running application program's on your PC for many years, this is no different only a bit easier for developers and older less technically inclined ppl. Traditional application programs still install in exactly the same way and windows 8 includes compatibility mode for a few application programs which might have compatibility issues.
3. I don't like the colours!!! (Personalise it -_-)
4. Windows 8 is crappy for gaming (wrong! Many code improvements, personally had a small issue installing SC2 but sorted it with a google search)
5. Microsoft is walling off the garden! (They are simply giving you more choice, the traditional way of installing more advanced apps remain, the App Store will only sell mobile/tablet quality apps as I understand it because apps have to run on all windows 8 platforms before being approved.
6. It's slow! (You sir, are on crack)
7. It's ugly (blind?! But I guess you are entitled to an opinion)
8. I want my mommy(mmmm)


I have used it for several days now on both my laptop and desktop and consider myself a power user that has to manage my pc's and my parents(they can't do anything on a PC except Facebook and Skype). I see windows 8 as a life saver to them because now they will be able to install small apps easily without the threat of installing a gazillion "free" toolbars and AVG rubbish that comes with every small free Internet downloaded program these days. I think they will like windows 8, and even if they don't...they will in time!

Windows 8 is not perfect, but it does feel like there are so many improvements that it seems borderline ridiculous some of the things ppl complain about. Spend some real time using it before judging it and you too will start to see all the changes that makes life just that bit easier.

PS: Skype beta now integrates: Messenger, Skype and Facebook contacts! Awesome job Microsoft.
But I don't like it, want it! (Don't integrate it then -_-)

I have yet to hear an intelligent fact based argument against windows 8.
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I'm going to go for Win8 pro upgrade for my HTPC, £24.99 is a steal!

I've not look at or even used win 8 atm, but no doubt ill get used to it :D
I'd still rather we were given the choice. It only makes sense than to lose a lot of potential customers because of trying to force something on us. :o

I felt like this moving from DOS to Windows 95...how wrong was I :eek:

The reason why it seems that it is being forced is simply because it is part of a bigger plan by MS and the natural evolution of software as a direct result of how we use it, and want to use it.

The plan is integration across phone/tablet/ultrabook/laptop/desktop. For that to work fully they NEED a mechanism or interface that allows such cross platform unity--> metro. So you NEED metro, even if you don't realize it or use it much right now.

In a few years when your life is streamlined across all your devices your going to wonder "how did people ever manage all their different devices each independently".

It is your choice to change with the times or not. Unfortunately these days tech is changing so fast that if you don't keep up you are left behind.
is there any sign of a retail version rather than OEM?

Retail no longer exists. Oem has had substantial license changes and is basically retail.

For most cases you can just use the built in features, reset & refresh

There has been substantial changes to the oem license.

It officially reconised and allows home buyers to install and run oem for their own use.
It allows you to transfer oem license to another computer you own.
There is no limit to the amounts of times you transfer it between your own systems.

If you purchase the software separately, in a package or as a download, the rules are much more liberal. Note that the text for the following rules is identical for retail upgrades and for System Builder software that you install on a PC you build yourself, or in a virtual machine, or on a separate partition. Emphasis in the following sections is in the original:

You may transfer the software to another computer that belongs to you. … You may not transfer the software to share licenses between computers.

There is no limit on the number of times you may do this type of transfer, providing you follow the rules I describe later in this section. That means hobbyists who like to tinker with PCs can relax. If you buy a System Builder copy, you can move (not share) that license from an old PC to a new one.
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