Love this!
I found an original shuttle SV24 in a pile if stuff our old IT lead was going to throw in the skip. Plugged it in and it fired up first time! So asked if I could inherit it as its a bit of history really
Have upgraded the cpu to a pentium 933mhz coppermine, 512mb ram along with a PCI fx5200 128mb which running voodoo emulation
Windows 98 has a driver to make xbox 360 pads work too! Been playing colin mcrae 1 on it lol
CEX have classic pc games for pennies literally. I bought a pile a while back
I desperately want a proper voodoo card for it but they go for so much money![]()
MS DOS sound is as follows:-
To get sound to work in pure MSDOS mode, as in cold boot into it, you need an ISA Sound card with MS DOS drivers.
I purchased an AZTech one. This needed help from VOGONS to find the correct drivers for the card. There is a silly number of cards and drivers can easily be mismatched and not work with your card.
If you boot into Windows 95/98, and run the game in a windowed DOS mode, then your sound card should work. Look in hardware to find the correct IRQ/DMA etc and use that with your game.
The 'rare' PCI card that does work in MSDOS is the Aureal 2 Vortex. They've gone up in price though, so keep your eye on the market for this card. Phil's Computing Lab seems to vouch for this card.
This is the AU8830 card, not the AU8820 which is the Vortext 1. Have a close look at the audio chip picture on auction sites.
Oh, how much?
My god!
I have this card. Think its in one of the Abit NF7-S Rev2.0 boxes.
And to think, I used to throw stuff like that away
Thumbs up for the NF7-S btw. My first NF7-S died so I had a stint with a DFI Lanparty but soon ended up with another NF7-S. Great boards!
Indeed the Vortex 2 works in dos with working wavetable header which is rare for a PCI card under DOS. Unfortunately the Vortex 2 sounds pretty bad on its own without some sort of wavetable card to handle music.
Considering the OP has a board with ISA slots I would certainly look at going down the ISA path with something like a Yamaha based card like the Audician 32. If he is going down the PCI route, a Yamaha 724 with SB-Link is what i would look at.
It was as bad as that aye. It's since been converted to Source, hence why you probably forgot how it really looked
Still got my original copy.