windows on new conroe system reinstall

29 Oct 2002
well seems I have done something to my windows installation on new rig (see windows forum argh)

anyway, ill prob just bite bullet :mad: and reformat and install whole lot again :rolleyes:

I have one Raptor for win/games, and one 320HD for 'media' - I have installed some programmes on the 'media' drive - virus scanner, winzip, itunes etc...

so what shall I do - I can just (1) reinstall windows back on the rap and delete and reinstall apps on the rest...seems a little inelegant

Or (2) I can reformat the two disks and basically start from scratch again...

How would I go about performing option 2, ie reformatting the disks> using a dos based utility?

slightly confused as to steps in achieving a blank system to start on again

thanks for any help anyone can give, at least I have a long bank holiday to sort the mess out :)
All you need is a Floppy with the Dos command on it, turn the pc off and insert floppy, then turn the pc on (making sure the floppy is in the boot up sequence) and the type in FORMAT C(With the 2 dots) (Or whatever letter you have for the drive) at the A: prompt.
You will have a hard job doing that mate if both of yourhard drives are formatted as ntfs using a dos based utuility. You can get XP to format both drives for you when you are decided which drive to install XP to :) It's got a utuil which asks you if you wantto partition it and so on after it's booted up and ran a few checks on your system :)

Much easier way of doing it.
ok so basically, boot from XP disk, it will ask which drive to throw windows on (both of which will be partitioned anyway - is there an option to partition again ie rubbing the lot off first)

then run the new windows, and go to 'manage' and format the other drive

Amadeus said:
ok so basically, boot from XP disk, it will ask which drive to throw windows on (both of which will be partitioned anyway - is there an option to partition again ie rubbing the lot off first)

then run the new windows, and go to 'manage' and format the other drive


Yup you got it :)
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