Wing Commander Saga : The Darkest Dawn - Fan Modded ( INDIE )

Rare enough that I can't find one ever been sold on EBay!

There have been sold on Ebay trust me I paid well over the odds for the DVD version (bear in mind this is a game made in 1996 and ought to cost £1.50). I have to say the quality of the DVD is excellent especially when you compare it against WC3's FMV.

You never know a copy might makes it's way onto the MM at some point in the future.....;)
Can't install it.

Crashes whilst installing giving message that it can't proceed and to try again. :(
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There have been sold on Ebay trust me I paid well over the odds for the DVD version (bear in mind this is a game made in 1996 and ought to cost £1.50). I have to say the quality of the DVD is excellent especially when you compare it against WC3's FMV.

They did spend $10 million on it, it's practically a B-movie in itself (with choice & consequence no less :p )
Just had a quick look before dinner - very slick so far, fully voiced and pretty well acted, considering, there's a shocking amount of work obviously gone into it.

The only jarring thing is the blocky shape of some of the ships. They've obviously tried to keep them as true to the original as possible, but I reckon they could have added a few polygons here and there :)
Installation fails at 80% - have tried default install; to other location; as admin; and compatible modes.

Have downloaded from gamershell twice, and some other german place. Where you guys pulling it from?
Rare enough that I can't find one ever been sold on EBay!

SOme old boxed games are woirth good money. I sold my FF7 for £50 and my Planetscape Torment for £60

Also not they did two dvd versions. One with enhanced video and one without.

Been up and checked today and its the original cd version oh well worth a try ha :P
Re-downloaded it and the same problem - fails to install but I think I know why.

My antivirus sees the .exe as suspect and quarantines it during installation which crashes the install. I'm going to disable it and give it another go.

Edit: Installed successfully after disabling the AntiVirus.
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...My antivirus sees the .exe as suspect and quarantines it during installation which crashes the install. I'm going to disable it and give it another go.

Edit: Installed successfully after disabling the AntiVirus.

Good call...installation completed.

What AV you using - got ESET my end...
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First play session, and it was all keyboard.. I gave up in frustration.. 2nd time I saw the mouse option.. much better, still not brilliant though.

In mission it looks great. And certainly captures the feeling of the old games. However to *ME*, the controls on the option screens are way to large, and don't look that good either.

And what's with the 100's of lines of text you gets each time you complete a mission?

Bring back Ginger (I'm an ex pron star) Lynn Allen.. (Mmm now I find myself wondering if Mark Hamill gave her one)..

tl;dr... Space segments good.. station.. not so (so far).
Fantastic game so far (considering it's free as well)... running into no problems atm, other than having to turn crossfire off, this should be a good couple of weeks playtime :D
The complete lack of waypoint saves is going to kill this.. 4th mission in.. 5 cap missiles you have to kill miss one.. mission failed.. later there's a destroyer, same deal..

Spent over an hour attempting this, got to Nav 4 twice, only to have to restart the mission completely from scratch. ARRGHHH!!!
I just find this immensely frustrating. The mouse flight controls are terrible. Having to completely re start a mission every time you fail is just silly. I appreciate they are keeping it faithful to the original series but some concessions to user-friendliness should have been made. I also don't fancy reading a mini-novel between missions. The game is a massive achievement and it's awesome that it is free. I really want to enjoy it but I can't :(
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