** (Winners Announced) Corsair Vengeance 2000 Wireless 7.1 Professional Gaming Headset**

1) Talking to my friends in teamspeak while doing house chores.

2) The comfort of the earpads to your ears so you can play endlessly for hours without pain!
1) Popping over to next doors and ignoring them while listening to my music instead, thats everyone's dream isn't it?

2) The quality, there is nothing like them
1. I can use the headset for my computer, freeing up my current ridiculously long cabled headset so I can use it to tie people up in my bedroom.

2. The folding down earcups are a much needed feature in headsets like these, and they seem to be extremely comfortable as well, which is vital for long gaming sessions.
1) So I never have to return to the real world when I move around the house, would be nice to stay in contact when on teamspeak even if I go afk!

2) Corsair products are always high quality, and I've seen this particular product to have good sound quality, good build quality, good features. My current headset makes my hears sweat quite a bit but those cups look so roomy I doubt I would encounter the same problem!
1) I would use them for gaming (obviously) but I would also use them for evil by plugging them into my brothers pc, then from the safety of my room play silly music down the mic to embarrass him while he plays :P

2) They look sleek and sexy and appear to be very comfy with their soft earcup's
1) I find a wireless headset gives a great sense of freedom and is always lighter than having a wire, so i would use them for general gaming and Blu-Ray film watching (7.1 essential!) and it won't keep the house awake! (unlike my current stereo cheapos)

2) Corsair make fantastic quality products - every single one I have owned (unfortunately excluding the headsets as I haven't had a chance to pick one up) has been of top quality for a price that isn't through the roof. These headsets look fantastic and I can't wait to try one out (if i win of course :D )
1) I can run around the house with the sounds from BF3 on pretending im in a war zone taking out family members as I go.

2) It screams quality to me and the shiney bits are pure bling although they may give my position away when im on the rampage around my house.
1. I could have attended the street party on my road, eaten and drank till I felt sick and still have been skyping my friend on Austria!

2. It looks great and I loves me some corsair stuff see my sig
1) Higher brain cancer risk ?
2) They look amazing, indeed.

I'm just curious what I'm going to do if I win ;) I hope RND(0) function will apply here, rather than choosing most perfect answer.
1) I would use it to set myself up on the roof of my house in the sun, whilst my pc is indoors where its cooler.

2) Favourite thing has to be the black and blue (and silver) styling. It would go perfectly with the rest of my stuff so top job there Corsair.
1) Perfect for moving over to the bed after a day of hard work so that you can lie down and still listen to whatever is going on on the computer.

2) Having possibly annoyingly sized/shaped ears makes finding comfortably headsets a chore. These look rather comfy! I also like swizzle ear cups ;)
1) I can goto the bathroom and terrorise my mates on Mumble while I do my business :D

2) The fact that it's wireless and I can pretend I am directing air traffic :D
1) Most likely going to the bathroom whilst still being able to listen to all the music! :D

2) They look fantastic & shiny, and I really do want the soft earcups, mine aren't soft at all :(
1) Always wanted a wireless headset, hate the cable getting in the way all the time, just never had the money to get one :(

2) It's Corsair so it screams Excellent quality!
1) So I can go outside to my garden, and diggy diggy hole as well as listening to music at 7.1 Surround Sound Quality!!

2) I sat on a pair of Corsair Vengeance 1500 once by accident, they didn't break at all for a magical reason...

1. Means I could use this ace headset to enjoy my gaming without having my cat mistake my normally messy wires as a toy to tangle himself up in, especially while I'm trying to own on BF3! Annoying! "Kitty get off my bloody headset!" doesn't seem to work...

2. As with all Corsair stuff they look well built and aesthetically pleasing to the eye. Would be proud to wander the house with these on my head! :P
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