** (Winners Announced) Corsair Vengeance 2000 Wireless 7.1 Professional Gaming Headset**

1. i'd install glovePIE and set up loads of voice commands on my games so that i could carry on playing while i park my breakfast

2. aside from the obvious corsair quality i'd have to say that the best thing about the vengeance headsets is the soft snuggly foam round the ears. i only avoid over ear headphones because i rarely find them comfy, but corsair look to have solved this
1) That I don't have to stop doing things because a wire prevents me too, there's no hassle with cables laying about for people to trip over or to snag on things, I can watch TV or game online hassle free since I'm nocturnal I wouldn't get threatened to get kicked out because BF3 makes too much noise at night! :D

2) The headsets Corsair makes are always very aesthetically appealing and they're very well built and durable, it's a product you buy as a long term product not a cheap solution that will last you a few weeks to a month, Corsair are always making high end and desirable goods. You can't fault them at all as you can tell they're very rigorous in testing products before putting them to the general public, everything from comfort to sounds are all at the best they'll be.
1) Tell us your most interesting use for the 40 metre Wireless feature of the Vengeance 2000 headset?

I need some ultra stylish earmuffs to sleep through the day after working nightshift.

2) What is your favourite thing about the Corsair Vengeance range of headsets?

They look great quality and the reviews mirror that.
1. Being able to poop while listening to music. ^^
2. High quality Corsair headset, they last for a long time, and they look absolutely FABULOUS.
1) I'd use it to continue spying/listening in on the OcUK staff after they've taken out a restraining order on me for stalking :)

2) They're made by Corsair, so I know they're quality. And they look shiny!
1. Being wireless, no more tripping over the death trap 2-3m cable when going to answer the door on instinct, which ends with you face-planting or dragging your computer across the room, with you then face-planting.

2. Corsair make reliable products, a brand known by it's customer's positive feedback.
1. I would use them to actually game freely because with the current Corsairs I have, the cable gets in the way with the keyboard and mouse and a wireless one would remove this problem. I could also listen to music while I am doing other work around the house :D

2. I have the Vengeance 1300 and they are excellent. Very high quality and sound compared to my old turtle beaches. Also, Corsair customer support is second to none!
1- i'll never have to take the headset off

2- i haven't experienced the vengeance headsets yet but by owning a corsair 600t and the premium price tag of the vengeance headsets i would presume build quality will be 10/10. too many low- quality peripherals have broken on me.
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1) I'll be able to use these in the toilet, out and about and in the Mental Asylum down the road.

2) Unparalleled build quality, sound and comfort. Typical from Corsair to be honest.
So I can put replace them with my brother's earphones and freak him out by playing ghost noises whilst wears them in bed xD
Awesome quality, comfort and corsair-ability (because it's a word, k?)
1. Whilst keeping the wife sweet by making her tea whilst playing BF3,my mate could be my eyes whilst Corsair could be my ears.

2.Who said men can't multitask with these beauties on.
1) I can climb out onto the roof and listen to some great music whilst catching as much of the British summer as possible, all without being tethered by a pesky cable.

2) That they actually look amazing as well as being wireless.
1) Listening to audio-books* and music in the garden during the nice weather

2) They look to give very nice sound dampening which will hopefully drown out the noisy neighbours dogs/lawnmowers/shouting/arguing/screaming* and other strange things

*if find it impossible to read in nice sunny weather
*I have peculiar neighbours
1) No more worries about my two year old grabbing the chord and ripping the headphones from my head almost causing a minor heart attack.

2) 7.1 Surround in headphones sounds mind boggling.
1. theres nothing better than sitting on the can listning to hax clan talking rubbish (i know this as i have sennheiser wireless headphones) however to be able to make them listen to me on the can would be full of win.

2. Its hard to pinpoint the best thing as theres so many useful features but the build quality is amazing.
1) Tell us your most interesting use for the 40 meter Wireless feature of the Vengeance 2000 headset? I can go to the kitchen and can make my jam and cheese sarnies:3 omnomnom and still talk trash to my future vic......opponents on the teamspeak servers I frequent. Also I get to stop nearly killing myself every day by tripping over my 70 bazzilion meter cable :D

2) What is your favorite thing about the Corsair Vengeance range of headsets?
I get to pretend I am a pirate/corsair of the high seas pillaging and raiding opponents servers and racking up the kills with dem 1337 skills and also get to propose to the gorgeously pretty and reliable headphone that corsair make :3 while chilling out to the mind blowing 7.1 surround sound that I expect :D
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