With a bit of luck

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17 Jul 2008
a House
with some luck i might start a new job soon, the old man is going to see what he can do for me when he returns to work tommorow. (Shunter Shift Manager at Freightliner)He'll if he can get me a job as a shunter, sounds easy, cant be harder than a busy shop (Farmfoods) at christmas etc. The shop job is poor pay, **** poor pay, earned £2600 in 8months, the shunter job is £20K p/year
you cant remember? a girl you were so excited about you wrote about it on a forum with regular updates but your not sure if you done the business?

... yeah right

dude i was smashed, i can hardly remeber the last half of the night!
dude i was smashed, i can hardly remeber the last half of the night!

give over

not matter how smashed I was I would certainly remember popping my cherry
i remember losing mine and that was 18yrs ago

if the answers no then just say so, its nothing to be ashamed of
give over

not matter how smashed I was I would certainly remember popping my cherry
i remember losing mine and that was 18yrs ago

if the answers no then just say so, its nothing to be ashamed of

also if you were drunk enough to get to that state there is no chance you would have been able to get it up'n'in anyway :p
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