With a bit of luck

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Don't care how much he lied, going to his place of work and taking photos is unacceptable. He lied on an internet forum for goodness sake, that does not give you a warrant to harass him in the real world.

This truly pathetic and disgusting behaviour. This thread should be deleted and certain people should be banned at the very least.

Gone a bit far but people banned? Give over.

hes just done what any classic bully does. picked a flaw in someone then picked and picked at it. it went from banter to just horrible ages ago
Don't care how much he lied, going to his place of work and taking photos is unacceptable. He lied on an internet forum for goodness sake, that does not give you a warrant to harass him in the real world.

This truly pathetic and disgusting behaviour. This thread should be deleted and certain people should be banned at the very least.

Whatever the content, whatever the thread I've seen you post in you'll go against it, I'd say it was fair enough if it was your opinion but you just seem to do it for a reaction. If I made a thread with just a blank white JPG, everyone would agree that its white, you would say its black just seemingly get a kick out of being arrogant.

It'll be a fine day when you stop posting here for whatever reason.
Lol at pics being nuked already... searches cache :D

I removed the images.

At the end of the day he was not identifiable in any image and since when is taking a picture of yourself outside a supermarket an offence?

He was the one who was intimating that he could arrange for certain people to be taken care of is that not an offence too?
I removed the images.

At the end of the day he was not identifiable in any image and since when is taking a picture of yourself outside a supermarket an offence?

He was the one who was intimating that he could arrange for certain people to be taken care of is that not an offence too?

Aye - maybe it all went a bit too far but it is a totally "six of one half a dozen..." Scenario.

I.B.T.L. tbh. :)

Epic thread, although I do feel a bit sorry for the guy now. He's made a prat of himself as I'm sure a lot of us did in some way when we were younger ;) He'll grow out of fantasy land in a few years :D

At least he has a job as well and isn't lazing around on benefits with 17 chav kids by 12 mothers while posting here :p
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A heartily conclusive win, I'd say. The bleeding hearts liberals will tell you we've broken every single law in the world, but I say to them and their arbitrary standards of just how far is too far, nyehnyehnyeh!
O what the pics gone already, and i left the forum for a few hours to do work.

Ahhhhhhh noes, please re-host or e-mail them to my trust, I want to see the conclusion :D
I saw the pics, its nothing really special, just Slinwagh shopping in Farmfoods and then smiling out side it holding some ice lollies. If anything, he took the mick out of himself rather than the OP.

In terms of this thread however i think it has ran its course, and done the job that it was intended to do.
He said he was going to commit suicide. I now know he is alive and well. I thought people would be pleased to know he is ok!!!!!!
He said he was going to commit suicide. I now know he is alive and well. I thought people would be pleased to know he is ok!!!!!!

We knew he was talking out of his starfish, of course he was fine, he had to get up early and sort out those palettes ;)

O and with the pictures, I actually wanted to see slinwagh :(:D
This thread has run it's course. It has been an entertaining read but any more "action" would be taking it a bit too far.

Nice work :D

BTW, Slinwagh, why the hell do you have a picture of me in your photobucket album?:confused:
EDIT: Oh yeah, I closed the thread. Just realised you can't answer that :p
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